Schools & Education

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CAELL stands for Computer-Assisted English Language Learning CAELL stands for Centro Acadêmico de Estudos Literários e Linguísticos (Portuguese: Academic Center of Literary and Linguistic Studies; São Paulo, Brazil)


CAEME stands for Computer Applications in Electromagnetic Education CAEME stands for Center of Excellence for Multimedia Education and Technology


CAEMTP stands for Certificat d’Aptitude à l’Enseignement Moyen Technique Pratique (French teaching proficiency certificate)


CAEN stands for Computer Aided Engineering Network CAEN stands for Costruzioni Apparecchiature Elettroniche Nucleari (Italian: Electronic Nuclear Equipment Construction; Viareggio, Italy) CAEN stands for Chemically Assembled Electronic Nanocomputer CAEN stands for Center for Academic Enhancement (Texas A&M University)


CAENS stands for College of Agricultural, Environmental and Natural Sciences (Tuskegee University; Alabama)


CAEO stands for Center for Academic Enrichment and Outreach CAEO stands for Cape Agri Employers Organisation (South Africa) CAEO stands for Coalition of Adult Education Organizations CAEO stands for Certificate Authority Executive Officer CAEO stands for Chief Agricultural Extension Officer


CAEOE stands for California Association of Educational Office Employees


CAEOP stands for California Association of Educational Office Professionals


CAER stands for Center for Applied Energy Research (University of Kentucky; Lexington; KY) CAER stands for Community Awareness and Emergency Response (various locations) CAER stands for Centre d’Arts Escèniques de Reus (French) CAER stands for Centre for Applied Economic Research (University of New South Wales; Sydney, Australia) CAER stands for Centre for Applied Educational Research […]


CAEPP stands for Center for Applied Ethics and Professional Practice (Newton, MA)