Schools & Education

Schools, Colleges, Universities, Education, Research, Studies, Library and Degrees.


DACVN stands for Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Nutrition


DACVO stands for Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists


DACVP stands for Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists


DACZM stands for Diplomate of the American College of Zoological Medicine


DAD stands for Digital Art and Design (various schools) DAD stands for Duplicate Address Detection (IPv6 address configuration) DAD stands for Drinking and Driving DAD stands for Death and Destruction (gaming clan) DAD stands for Dollar a Day (scholarship fund) DAD stands for Dungeons And Dragons DAD stands for Die Another Day (James Bond movie) […]


DADA stands for Designers’ & Art Directors’ Association DADA stands for Defence Against the Dark Arts (Harry Potter) DADA stands for Detroit Auto Dealers Association (Michigan) DADA stands for Data Analysis Decision Action DaDA stands for Dance and Drama Award (UK) DADA stands for Department against Degenerate Art DADA stands for Division of Alcohol and […]


DADAP stands for Drug and Alcohol Driving Awareness Program (Texas Education Agency)


DADE stands for Dual Air Density Explorer (US NASA) DADE stands for Differential Absolute Delay Equalization DADE stands for Decreasing Anticholinergic Drugs in the Elderly (New York) DADE stands for Department of Adult and Developmental Education (college program) DADE stands for Data Acquisition and Decommutation Equipment (NASA)


DADG stands for Deutsch Australische Dampfschiffs Gesellschaft (German: German Australian Steamship Company) DADG stands for Darkorbit a Dying Game (gaming clan) DADG stands for District Agriculture Development Grant (Tanzania) DADG stands for Digital Assets Discussion Group (University of Texas at Austin)


DADIU stands for Danske Akademi for Digital, Interaktiv Underholdning (Danish: Danish Academy for Digital Interactive Entertainment)