Schools & Education

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DADSS stands for Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (vehicle technology research) DADSS stands for Decision Analysis and Decision Support System new search


DAE stands for Department of Atomic Energy (India) DAE stands for Design Academy Eindhoven (Eindhoven, Netherlands) DAE stands for Dirección de Asuntos Estudiantiles (Spanish: Direction of Student Affairs) DAE stands for Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) DAE stands for Digital Audio Extraction (from a CD) DAE stands for Department of Applied Economics (various […]


DAEA stands for Departamento de Água e Esgoto de Araçatuba (Portuguese: Araçatuba Water and Sewer Department; Araçatuba, Brazil) DAEA stands for Department of Agriculture and Environmental Affairs (South Africa) DAEA stands for Downingtown Area Education Association (Pennsylvania State Education Association) DAEA stands for Décoration, Art et Ambiance (French: Decorating, Art and Atmosphere)


DAEC stands for Direction de l’Aménagement, de l’Environnement et des Constructions (French: Directorate of Planning, the Environment and Buildings; Switzerland) DAEC stands for Direction de l’Action vers les Entreprises et les Collectivités (French: Direction of Action to Businesses and Communities) DAEC stands for Duane Arnold Energy Center (Iowa) DAEC stands for Direction des Affaires Européennes […]


DAECA stands for Dental Assistants Education Council of Australia


DAEDALUS stands for Direct Alert Environment for Darknet and Livenet Unified Security (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology; Japan)


DAEE stands for Departamento de Águas e Energia Elétrica (Portuguese: Department of Water and Electricity; Brazil) DAEE stands for Direction de l’Aménagement de l’Équipement et de l’Environnement (French: Directorate of Infrastructure Planning and the Environment) DAEE stands for Direction de l’Action Éducative et de l’Enfance (French: Directorate for Educational Action and Children)


DAEFLE stands for Diplôme d’Aptitude à l’Enseignement du Français Langue Étrangère (French: Diploma in the Teaching of French as a Foreign Language)


DAEF stands for Département des Affaires Économiques et Financières (French: Department of Economic and Financial Affairs) DAEF stands for DWS Alpha Equity Fund DAEF stands for Diplôme Avancé d’Etudes Française (French: Advanced Diploma of French Studies; various universities)


DAEG stands for Darien Advocates for Education of the Gifted (Darien, CT)