
General Science, Popular Science, Hard Science, Physics, Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Ocean Science, Mathematics and Forensic.


CAMKG stands for Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II-Gamma


CAMRA stands for Campaign for Real Ale CAMRA stands for Center for Advancing Microbial Risk Assessment CAMRA stands for Children and Media Research Advancement CAMRa stands for Chilbolton Advanced Meteorological Radar CAMRA stands for Canadian American Modified Racing Association CAMRA stands for Computer-Assisted Medical Record Audit


DBSV stands for Deutscher Boots- und Schiffbauer-Verband (German: German Boat and Shipbuilders Association) DBSV stands for Deutscher Beach Soccer Verband (Germany) DBSV stands for Deutscher Blinden-und Sehbehindertenverband eV (German: German Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired)


CANDEL stands for Canadian Delegation CANDEL stands for Canadian Committee on the Dynamics and Evolution of the Lithosphere CANDEL stands for Central and East London Comprehensive Local Research Network (NIHR Comprehensive Clinical Research Network)


CAMES stands for Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences (Central European Association for Computational Mechanics journal) CAMES stands for Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies (American University of Beirut; Beirut, Lebanon) CAMES stands for Conseil Africain et Malgache de l’Enseignement Superieur (French: African and Malagasy Council on Higher Education) CAMES stands for Colorado Association […]


CANDLE stands for Collaborative and Network Distributed Learning Environment CANDLE stands for Children of Auschwitz Nazis’ Deadly Lab Experiment Survivors CANDLE stands for Corpora and NLP (National Language Processing) for Digital Learning of English (project; Taiwan)


CAMEX-3 stands for Convection and Moisture Experiment Number 3 (Aug – Sept 1998)