
General Science, Popular Science, Hard Science, Physics, Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Ocean Science, Mathematics and Forensic.


DBLS stands for Di Basic Lead Stearate (chemical product) DBLS stands for Distribution Based Logistics System DBLS stands for Direct Bank Lodgement System


DBLT stands for Dynamic Back Link Technology DBLT stands for Doublet DBLT stands for Deterministic Binary Loss Tree DBLT stands for Don’t Be Like That


DBM stands for Database Management DBM stands for Department of Budget and Management DBM stands for Demineralized Bone Matrix (grafts) dBm stands for Decibel (referenced to milliwatts) DBM stands for Dibenzoylmethane (chemical compound) DBM stands for Demineralized Bone Matrix DBM stands for Database Marketing DBM stands for Double Balanced Mixer DBM stands forDrake Beam Morin […]


DBMA stands for Dog Brothers Martial Arts DBMA stands for Docks des Bois et Matériaux de l’Atlantique (French: Docks of the Woods and Materials from the Atlantic) DBMA stands for Dimethylbenz (A)anthracene (medicine, cancer studies) DBMA stands for Don Bosco Maritime Academy (Kurla, Mumbai) DbMA stands for Death By Miss Adventure (UK band) DBMA stands […]


DBMC stands for Durability of Building Materials and Components (conference) DBMC stands for Dewey Beach Music Conference (Dewey Beach, DE; annual event) DBMC stands for Destination Bulk Mail Center (US Postal Service) DBMC stands for Discovery Bay Marina Club (Hong Kong Resort Company Limited) DBMC stands for Dominica Banana Marketing Corporation DBMC stands for Danish […]


DBMB stands for Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (various locations) DBMB stands for Deutscher Braumeister und Malzmeister-Bund (German: German Brewer and Malting Association) DBMB stands for Drug Band Message Board DBMB stands for Decalcified Bone Marrow Trephine Core Biopsy


DBMD stands for Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases (US CDC) DBMD stands for Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophy DBMD stands for District Board of Ministerial Development DBMD stands for Dual Bachelor’s Master’s Degree (various schools) DBMD stands for Deaf-Blind Multiple Disabilities (Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services) DBMD stands for Don’t Bring Me Down DBMD […]


DBMGI stands for Database of Maize Genome Information (crop genetics research)


CALS stands for College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (Cornell University) CALS stands for Chicano and Latino Studies (California) CALS stands for Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support CALS stands for Central Arkansas Library System (Little Rock, AR) CALS stands for Centre for Applied Legal Studies (South Africa) CALS stands for Commerce At Light Speed CALS […]


DBML stands for DataBase Markup Language DBML stands for Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory DBML stands for Database Management Language