
General Science, Popular Science, Hard Science, Physics, Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Ocean Science, Mathematics and Forensic.


DATSD (CBM) stands for Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Chemical and Biological Matters)


DATT stands for Direct Attention Thinking Tools (de Bono Thinking Systems) DATT stands for Defense Attaché DATT Dweller at the Threshold (American electronic music group; 1993-2005) DATT stands for Department of Aviation Trades Training DATT stands for Dialysis Adequacy and Transport Test (kidney diseases)


DAUA stands for DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) Alkaline Unwinding Assay


DAVC stands for Deutscher Automobil Veteranen Club (German: German Automobile Club Veterans Association; est. 1965) DAVC stands for Diagnostic à Visée Criminologique (French: Referred Criminological Diagnosis) DAVC stands for Delayed Automatic Volume Control DAVC stands for Dutch American Van Club (Schiedam, South Holland, Netherlands) DAVC stands for Direct Automatic Volume Control


DAVD stands for Dysplasie Arythmogène du Ventricule Droit (French: Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia; heart disorder)


DAVF stands for Dural Arterio-Venous Fistula DAVF stands for Distal Adjunctive Arteriovenous Fistula (prosthetic limbs)


DAVG stands for Dispositif d’Assistance Ventriculaire Gauche (French: Left Ventricular Assistance Device; cardiology)


DAVI stands for Department of Audio-Visual Instruction (various schools) DAVI stands for Defense Against Viral Infection DAVI stands for Dynamic Antivisual Information