
General Science, Popular Science, Hard Science, Physics, Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Ocean Science, Mathematics and Forensic.


DARR stands for Delft Atmospheric Research Radar DARR stands for Digital Accident Research Recorder DARR stands for Department of Army Regional Representative DARR stands for Direct Antiglobulin Rosetting Reaction DARR stands for Direct Anti-Determinant Rosetting Reaction (immunology)


DART stands for Dallas Area Rapid Transit DART stands for Disaster Assistance Response Team DART stands for Disaster Animal Response Team DART stands for Diagnostic and Recovery Tool (software) DART stands for Dynamic Analysis and Replanning Tool (US DoD) DART stands for Dublin Area Rapid Transit DART stands for Dublin Area Rapid Transit (train service […]


DARTNET stands for Distributed Ambulatory Research in Therapeutics Network DARTNET stands for Defense Advanced Research Testbed Network


DARTT stands for DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) Amplification-Restricted Transcription Translation


DArV stands for Deutscher Archäologen-Verband (German: German Association of Archaeologists) DARV stands for Drive Axle Relay Valve DaRV stands for D. Ambigua RNA Virus (virology)


DATI stands for Delaware Assistive Technology Initiative (Wilmington, DE) DATI stands for Danish Agency for Trade and Industry DATI stands for Diastolic Amplitude Time Index DATI stands for Director of Army Technical Information DATI stands for Dominant Auxiliary Tertiary Inferior (Jungian functional preference ordering) DATI stands for Dipteryx Alata Trypsin Inhibitor


SZV stands for Szabad Változók (Hungarian philosophy journal) SZV stands for Schweizerische Zahntechniker Vereinigung (German: Swiss Dental Technicians Association; Switzerland) SZV stands for Suppressed Zero Voltage