
General Science, Popular Science, Hard Science, Physics, Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Ocean Science, Mathematics and Forensic.


DATF stands for Database of Arabidopsis Transcription Factors (bioinfomatics) DATF stands for Detainee Abuse Task Force (US Army) DATF stands for Desert Air Task Force DATF stands for De-Coupled Adaptive Tracking Filter DATF stands for Defense of the Amphibious Task Force (postion held by an officer on staff within an ESG) DATF stands for Dangerous […]


DATG stands for Disney/ABC (American Broadcasting Company) Television Group DATG stands for Dynamic Angiothermography (diagnostic imaging tool)


CAFM stands for Computer Aided Facilities Management CAFM stands for Certified Aboriginal Financial Manager (Canada) CAFM stands for Certified Automotive Fleet Manager CAFM stands for Construction and Facilities Management CAFM stands for Computerized Airplane Flight Manual (avionics) CAFM stands for Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy CAFM stands for Certified Automotive Financial Manager (job title) CAFM stands […]


MZZ stands for Ministrstvo Za Zunanje (Slovenian: Ministry of Foreign Affairs) MZZ stands for Marion, Indiana (Airport Code) MZZ stands for Modified Zhang-Zheng


MZV stands for Multiple Zeta Values (mathematics) MZV stands for Mulu, Malaysia – Mulu Airport (Airport Code) MZV stands for Ministerstvo Zahranicnich Veci (Czech: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)


DATE stands for Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (Conference) DATE stands for Decisive Action Training Environment (US DoD) DATE stands for Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Education DATE stands for Drug, Alcohol, Traffic Education (Florida, USA) DATE stands for Dynamics, Acoustics and Thermal Environment (NASA experiment) DATE stands for Dance Actually Threatens Everybody (Kids Next […]


DATEM stands for Diacetyl Tartrate Ester of Monoglyceride (bread dough conditioner)