
General Science, Popular Science, Hard Science, Physics, Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Ocean Science, Mathematics and Forensic.


CAFF stands for Community Alliance with Family Farmers CAFF stands for Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (program of the Arctic Council) CAFF stands for Club Atlético Fernández Fierro (Spanish; Argentine social club) CAFF stands for Caribbean American Football Federation CAFF stands for Campaign Against Factory Farming CAFF stands for City of Angels Film Festival […]


CADGME stands for Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education


CADHO stands for Collection and Analysis of Data from Honeypots


CADI stands for Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals (Minnesota) CADI stands for Center for Alternative Development Initiatives CADI stands for Custom Application Development & Integration (Cisco) CADI stands for Canadian Advanced Digital Ionosonde (Scientific Instrumentation Ltd.) CADI stands for California Death Index CADI stands for Chronic Allograft Damage Index CADI stands for Coronary Artery Disease […]


CADILLAC stands for Controlled Abciximab and Device Investigation to Lower Late Angioplasty Complications


CADL stands for Caro Area District Library (Michigan) CADL stands for Compact Aerial Data Logger (flight test) CADL stands for Cheesecake Anti-Defamation League CADL stands for Computer Architecture Design Laboratory CADL stands for Computer Aided Design Laboratory (Supercomputer Education and Research Institute; Indian Institute of Science; Bangalore, India) CADL stands for Communicative Activities of Daily […]


CADLAS stands for Computer Assisted Depreciation and Life Analysis System