
General Science, Popular Science, Hard Science, Physics, Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Ocean Science, Mathematics and Forensic.


CAEAL stands for Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories


CAE stands for Certified Association Executive (American Society of Association Executives) CAE stands for Certificate in Advanced English CAE stands for Computer-Aided Engineering CAE stands for Contrat d’Accompagnement dans l’Emploi (French: Employment Assistance Contract) CAE stands for Compressed Air Engine CAE stands for Chief Audit Executive CAE stands for Committee on Atomic Energy (various locations) […]


CAEC stands for Council for Asia-Europe Cooperation (research institution network) CAEC stands for Central Asian Economic Community (est. 1994) CAEC stands for Central Alabama Electric Cooperative CAEC stands for Center for Analysis of Environmental Change CAEC stands for Clinical Audit and Effectiveness Committee (National Health Service; UK) CAEC stands for Coronary Arterial Endothelial Cells CAEC […]


CAEMQ stands for Concerns About Epilepsy Monitoring Questionnaire


CAEN stands for Computer Aided Engineering Network CAEN stands for Costruzioni Apparecchiature Elettroniche Nucleari (Italian: Electronic Nuclear Equipment Construction; Viareggio, Italy) CAEN stands for Chemically Assembled Electronic Nanocomputer CAEN stands for Center for Academic Enhancement (Texas A&M University)


CAER stands for Center for Applied Energy Research (University of Kentucky; Lexington; KY) CAER stands for Community Awareness and Emergency Response (various locations) CAER stands for Centre d’Arts Escèniques de Reus (French) CAER stands for Centre for Applied Economic Research (University of New South Wales; Sydney, Australia) CAER stands for Centre for Applied Educational Research […]


CAERDA stands for Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association (Ardmore, PA)


CAERU stands for Carleton Applied Economics Research Unit (Carleton University; Canada)