
General Science, Popular Science, Hard Science, Physics, Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Ocean Science, Mathematics and Forensic.


DABG stands for Detection above Background DABG stands for Dothan Area Botanical Gardens (Alabama) DABG stands for Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden (Dallas, Texas)


DABI stands for Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives DABI stands for Distributed Applications for B2B (Business to Business) Integration (conference) DABI stands for Driver Air Bag Igniter DABI stands for Doppler Ankle Brachial Index


CACF stands for Coalition for Asian American Children and Families CACF stands for Combat Area Casualty File (US DoD) CACF stands for Charlottesville Area Community Foundation (Charlottesville, VA) CACF stands for Child and Adult Care Food Program (also seen as CACFP) CACF stands for China-Africa Cooperation Forum (est. 2000) CACF stands for Constant-Amplitude, Constant-Frequency (sinusoidal […]


DABM stands for Diretoria de Abastecimento da Marinha (Portuguese: Navy Supply Board; Brazil) DABM stands for Defense Against Ballistic Missiles DABM stands for Da Afghanistan Breshna Moassessa (Farsi: Afghan Electric Enterprise; Afghanistan) DABM stands for Demineralized Allogeneic Bone Matrix (grafts) DABM stands for Decalcified Allogenic Bone Matrix (grafts)


CACGP stands for Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution CACGP stands for College Access Challenge Grant Program (US Department of Education)


DABP stands for Directory of Accessible Building Products (resource) DABP stands for Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatrics DABP stands for Diplomate of the American Board of Pathology DABP stands for Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontolgy DABP stands for Database of Antibacterial Peptides DABP stands for Doppler Ankle Blood Pressure


DABUL stands for Depolarization and Backscatter Unattended Lidar


CACK stands for Concealed Anterograde Conduction Through Kent Bundle