
General Science, Popular Science, Hard Science, Physics, Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Ocean Science, Mathematics and Forensic.


CABRI stands for Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative (est. 2004) CABRI stands for Common Access to Biotechnological Resources and Information CABRI stands for Coronary Artery Bypass Revascularization Investigation CABRI stands for Canada Africa Business Resources International


CABS stands for Current Awareness in Biological Sciences CABS stands for Child and Babysitting Safety (course; various organizations) CABS stands for Carrier Access Billing System CABS stands for Columbus Area Boardgaming Society (Ohio) CABS stands for Center for Applied Biodiversity Science CABS stands for Center for Applied Behavior Systems (Virginia Tech) CABS stands for Coronary […]


CABW stands for Constant Absolute Bandwidth (microwave) CABW stands for Carbon Arc Braze Welding CABW stands for Chartered Accountants for Business in Wales (UK)


CABYV stands for Cucurbit Aphid-Borne Yellows Virus (plant disease)


CAC stands for Combined Arms Center (Ft Leavenworth, Kansas) CAC stands for Citizens’ Advisory Committee CAC stands for Capital Athletic Conference CAC stands for Call Admission Control CAC stands for Child Advocacy Center CAC stands for Central Arizona College CAC stands for Creative Arts Center (West Virginia University) CAC stands for Common Access Card (US […]


CaC2 stands for Calcium Carbide CAC2 stands for Combined Arms Command & Control (Army)


CACAF stands for Catheter Ablation for the Cure of Atrial Fibrillation (study)


CACC stands for Certified Alcohol Counselor CACC stands for Central Atlantic Collegiate Conference (est. 1965) CACC stands for Chicago Animal Care and Control (Chicago, IL) CACC stands for Central Alabama Community College CACC stands for California Cadet Corps CACC stands for Campaign against Climate Change (various organizations) CACC stands for Canadian Australian Chamber of Commerce […]


CACD stands for Citizens for the Advancement of Community Development (Canad) CACD stands for Canadian Association of Chemical Distributors CACD stands for California Association for Counseling and Development CACD stands for Central Areolar Choroidal Dystrophy (retinal disease) CACD stands for Court of Appeal, Criminal Division (UK) CACD stands for Computer-Assisted classroom discussion CACD stands for […]