
Investigation and Police.


CAOVP stands for Coalition against Online Video Piracy (copyright advocacy group)


DCCRS stands for Direction Centrale des Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité (French: Central Directorate of the Republican Security Companies) DCCRS stands for Dane County Commuter Rail Studies (Wisconsin)


CANPASS stands for Canadian Pass (document allowing entry into Canada at remote locales)


CANS stands for Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems (workshop) CANS stands for Cryptography and Network Security CANS stands for Central Auditory Nervous System (neurology) CANS stands for Conference on Cryptology and Network Security CANS stands for Complaints of Arm, Neck and Shoulder CANS stands for Civilian Announcement Notification System (US […]


CANSSM stands for Caisse Autonome Nationale de Sécurité Sociale dans les Mines (French: National Independent Social Security Fund for Mines)


CANT stands for Cantonese CANT stands for California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas (states bordering Texas) CANT stands for Canyon Towhee (bird species) CANT stands for Career Aptitude Normalizing Test (The Simpsons) CANT stands for Canticle of Canticles (Song of Solomon) CANT stands for Combinatorics, Automata and Number Theory CANT stands for Clearly Are Not […]


CAMSLANT stands for Communication Area Master Station Atlantic (US Coast Guard) CAMSLANT stands for Communications Area Master Station Atlantic Area


CANDIS stands for Child Abuse and Neglect Database Instrument System