
Investigation and Police.


DSS  stands for Data Security Standard DSS  stands for Department of Social Services DSS  stands for DLA (Defense Logistics Agency) Support Services DSS  stands for Decision Support System DSS  stands for Quantum (stock symbol) DSS  stands for Dead Sea Scrolls DSS  stands for Design for Six Sigma DSS  stands for Digitized Sky Survey DSS  stands […]


AFCSPO stands for Air Force Computer Security Program Office (USAF)


AFCSM stands for Armed Forces Civilian Service Medal AFCSM stands for Air Force Computer Systems Manual AFCSM stands for Arsenal Football Club Supporters Malaysia (fan club) AFCSM stands for Air Force Communication Security Manual


DSPO stands for Defense Standardization Program Office (US DoD Defense Logistics Agency) DSPO stands for Dispose DSPO stands for Defense Support Project Office DSPO stands for Defense Support Program Office DSPO stands for Democratic State Party Organization DSPO stands for District Superintendent of Police (Tamil Nadu, India)


DSPE stands for Département de la Sécurité, de la Police et de l’Environnement (French: Department of Homeland Security, Police and the Environment; Switzerland) DSPE stands for Droit Spécifique sur les Perles Exportées (French: Specific Duty on Exported Pearls) DSPE stands for Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction DSPE stands for Dry Solid Polymer Electrolyte DSPE stands for […]


DSP stands for Digital Signal Processor DSP stands for Digital Signal Processing DSP stands for Display DSP stands for Delaware State Police DSP stands for Delta Sigma Pi (business fraternity) DSP stands for Délégation de Service Public (French: Delegation of Public Service) DSP stands for Demand Side Platform (Internet advertising) DSP stands for Defense Support Program (US DoD satellite system) DSP stands for Digital […]


AESRM stands for Alliance for Enterprise Security Risk Management


AESBL stands for Alabama Electronic Security Board of Licensure (Montgomery, AL) AESBL stands for Annie E. Sterling Branch Library (Lewisberry, PA)


AEPC stands for Apparel Export Promotion Council AEPC stands for Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (Nepal) AEPC stands for Agence Européenne des Produits Chimiques AEPC stands for Association of European Police Colleges AEPC stands for AFL-CIO Employer Purchasing Coalition AEPC stands for American Electric Power Company AEPC stands for Afloat Environmental Protection Coordinator AEPC stands for […]