
Investigation and Police.


CADSI stands for Canadian Association of Defence & Security Industries CADSI stands for Communication and Data Systems Integration


CADSP stands for Common African Defence and Security Policy CADSP stands for Cooperative Analog-Digital Signal Processing


CADV stands for Center against Domestic Violence (Brooklyn, NY) CADV stands for Cardiovascular Associates of the Delaware Valley (Haddon Heights, NJ) CADV stands for Combined Alternate Data Voice CADV stands for Child and Adolescent Development CADV stands for Commission against Domestic Violence (Tacoma, WA) CADV stands for Claim Advice Queue


CACTIS stands for Community Automated Counter-Terrorism Intelligence System CACTIS stands for Colorado Automated Client Tracking Information System CACTIS stands for Community Automated Intelligence System (US DoD) CACTIS stands for Change and Commitment Tracking Information System CACTIS stands for Crime And Counterintelligence Terrorism Information System (USAF OSI) CACTIS stands for Compact Automated Centroid Target Instrumentation System


DACP/SG stands for Department of the Army Civilian Police and Security Guard


DACSS stands for Distributed Administrative Computing Security System (University of California, Los Angeles) DACSS stands for Deployed AWACS Computer Support System


DAEDALUS stands for Direct Alert Environment for Darknet and Livenet Unified Security (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology; Japan)


CACES stands for Certificat d’Aptitude à la Conduite en Sécurité (French: Certificate of Fitness for Safe Driving) CACES stands for Computer-Aided Cost Estimating System


CACIT stands for Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat International de Travail (international champion title for working dogs assigned by the FCI)


CACOSH stands for Chicago Area Committee on Occupational Safety and Health (Chicago, IL)