
Investigation and Police.


ABAT stands for; ABAT 4-Aminobutyrate Aminotransferase ABAT Advanced Burglar Alarm Technician (security) ABAT Alberta Bat Action Team (Alberta, Canada) ABAT Agent-Based Analytical Tool ABAT Air-Land Battle Advanced Technologies ABAT American Born, American Trained


ABBI stands for; ABBI Advanced Breast Biopsy Instrumentation ABBI All Birds Barcoding Initiative (genetics study) ABBI American Bucking Bull, Inc. (Pueblo, CO) ABBI American Bucking Bull Incorporated (Pueblo, CO) ABBI Above, Below, Behind, Inside (safety mnemonic) ABBI Australian Better Business Insurance


AATC DAIR stands for Amphibious Air Traffic Control Direct Altitude Identity Readout System


AATIA stands for Austin Area Translators and Interpreters Association AATIA stands for Arizona Auto Theft Investigators Association


BAPERN stands for Boston Area Police Emergency Radio Network  BAPERN stands for Boston Area Police Emergency Radio Net


BAPD stands for; S/NO Abbr. Meaning 1 BAPD Bay Area Progressive Directory 2 BAPD Babolat Aeropro Drive (tennis rackets) 3 BAPD Broken Arrow Police Department (Broken Arrow, OK) 4 BAPD Benefits Administration and Payment Department (Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation) 5 BAPD Bad Ass Police Department


AARL stands for Australian Academic and Research Libraries (quarterly journal) AARL stands for Auburn Avenue Research Library on African-American Culture and History AARL stands for Attribute Authority Revocation List (technological security) AARL stands for Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory AARL stands for American Amateur Radio League


BAI stands for Basic Access Interface BAI stands for Barcode Automation, inc. BAI stands for Baseband Audio Interface BAI stands for Berman Associates Inc. (software/security consulting firm)


BAIDS stands for Bithaman Ajil Islamic Debt Securities  BAIDS stands for Bangladesh AIDS Information and Documentation Services (Rajshahi, Bangladesh)


BAKS stands for Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik (Federal college for security policy, Germany) BAKS stands for The British Association for Korean Studies