
Sports, Baseball, Race, Championship, Football and Tennis.


DCFC stands for Death Cab for Cutie (band) DCFC stands for Detroit City FC (soccer club: Detroit, MI) DCFC stands…

2 years ago


XBH stands for Extra-Base Hits (baseball statistics) XBH stands for External Benchmarking Harness

2 years ago


XBA stands for X-Band Antenna XBA stands for Extra Base Hits Allowed (baseball) XBA stands for Xtreme Basketball Association XBA…

2 years ago


DBSJ stands for Deutsche Behinderten-Sportjugend (German: German Disabled Youth Sports) DBSJ stands for Database Society of Japan

2 years ago


DBSF stands for Dansk Bueskytteforbund (Denmark) DBSF stands for Digital Broadcasting Switchover Forum (Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation) DBSF stands for Dansk…

2 years ago


DBSL stands for Deep Battle Synchronization Line DBSL stands for Diamond Bar Soccer League (California) DBSL stands for Deep Backward…

2 years ago


DBR stands for DOS (Disk Operating System) Boot Record DBR stands for Distributed Bragg Reflector DBR stands for Daily Business…

2 years ago


DBRT stands for Dutch Business Round Table (Switzerland) DBRT stands for Dragon Boat Racing Team (various locations) DBRT stands for…

2 years ago


DBL stands for Double DBL stands for Disability DBL stands for Diffuse B-Cell Lymphoma (oncology) DBL stands for Dedicated Bus…

2 years ago


DBLL stands for Diamondback Little League (Arizona) DBLL stands for Daniel Boone Little League (Columbia, MO) DBLL stands for Diamond…

2 years ago
Abbreviations And Their Meaning