
Sports, Baseball, Race, Championship, Football and Tennis.


ZNBA stands for Zimbabwe National Bodybuilding Association


ZHC Zero Hours Contract ZHC Zandalarian Hero Charm (World of Warcraft gaming) ZHC Zatec Hop Company (est. 1991; Czech Republic) ZHC Zajdela Hepatoma Cell ZHC Zajdela Hepatoma Culture (cells) ZHC Zero-Length Header Compression ZHC Zundertse Hockey Club (Netherlands) ZHC Z Company Hacking Crew (computer hackers)


ZHHH stands for Zonie Hash House Harriers (social sporting group; Arizona)


ZIFA stands for Zimbabwe Football Association ZIFA stands for Zachman Institute for Framework Advancement


ZJA stands for Zambia Judo Association (martial arts group)


ZfA stands for Zentralstelle für Das Auslandsschulwesen (German: Central Agency for Schools Abroad) ZFA stands for Zeitschrift Für Allgemeinmedizin (German: Journal of General Medicine; Germany) ZFA stands for Zanzibar Football Association (Tanzania) ZfA stands for Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht (German: Journal of Labor Law) ZfA stands for Zentrale Zulagenstelle für Altersvermögen ZFA stands for Zionist Freedom […]