
Sports, Baseball, Race, Championship, Football and Tennis.


AFIPP stands for Australian Football Injury Prevention Project (randomised controlled trial)


AFHL stands for American Finance House Lariba AFHL stands for American Fantasy Hockey League AFHL stands for Australasian Food Holdings Limited


DTBR stands for Deluxe Training Ball Rack (sports equipment) DTBR stands for Dual Threshold Bandwidth Reservation


AFGL stands for American Footgolf League AFGL stands for Air Force Geophysics Laboratory AfgL stands for Alternativen für Gutes Licht (German: Alternatives for Good Light)


AFFRBTT stands for Aile Francophone de la Fédération Royale Belge de Tennis de Table (French; Belgian table tennis federation)


AFFL  stands for American Fantasy Football League AFFL  stands for Above Finished Floor Level (building plans) AFFL  stands for A Friend For Life AFFL  stands for Anime Fanfiction Links AFFL  stands for Agency For Foreign Languages AFFL  stands for Affiliate/Affiliation AFFL  stands for above fixed floor level (architecture) AFFL  stands for Australian Fantasy Football League […]


AFFA stands for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry – Australia AFFA stands for Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry Australia AFFA stands for Angels Forever Forever Angels (Hell’s Angels) AFFA stands for Alliance for Full Acceptance (Charleston, SC) AFFA stands for Agriculture Fisheries & Forestry Australia AFFA stands for Adirai Friends Football Association (India) AFFA stands for Azerbaijan Football Federations Association AFFA stands for Aerobic & […]


AFEL stands for Advanced Free-Electron Laser AFEL stands for Australian Football Email League