
Sports, Baseball, Race, Championship, Football and Tennis.


DRCP stands for Database Resident Connection Pooling (Oracle) DRCP stands for Devonport Regeneration Community Partnership (UK) DRCP stands for Disney Ride Classification Program DRCP stands for Dummy Ripcord Pull (skydiving) DRCP stands for Dynamic Registration and Configuration Protocol DRCP stands for Démarche de Repérage des Compétences Professionnelles (French: Approach to Identifying Professional Skills) DRCP stands […]


DRCS stands for Disaster Recovery Certified Specialist DRCS stands for Directive Reactive Controlling System (martial arts) DRCS stands for Digital Radio Concentrator System DRCS stands for Dynamically Redefinable Character Set DRCS stands for Delimited Reference Chemical Subspace DRCS stands for Data Receiver and Command Sender DRCS stands for Distributed Railway Control System DRCS stands for […]


DRC  stands for Democratic Republic of Congo DRC  stands for Director(ate) of Reserve Components DRC  stands for Down (Stage) Right Center DRC  stands for Disability Resource Center DRC  stands for Direction des Relations avec les Collectivités (French: Directorate of Community Relations) DRC  stands for Disability Rights Commission (United Kingdom) DRC  stands for Domaine de la […]


DR  stands for Drive DR  stands for Doctor Robert (Beatles song) DR  stands for Delivery Room DR  stands for Digital River (e-commerce solutions) DR  stands for Doctor DR  stands for Door DR  stands for Development Report DR  stands for Down (Stage) Right DR  stands for Drop DR  stands for Data Request DR  stands for Dear […]


ADJA stands for American Disc Jockey Association ADJA stands for Antwerp Diamond Jewellers Association ADJA stands for American Dog Judges Association ADJA stands for Atlanta Disk Jockey Academy


ADJA stands for American Disc Jockey Association ADJA stands for Antwerp Diamond Jewellers Association ADJA stands for American Dog Judges Association ADJA stands for Atlanta Disk Jockey Academy