V/M stands for Velocity Meter

V/M stands for Volts Per Meter

V/M stands for Variance/Mean Ratio (biomedicine)

VM stands for Virtual Machine

VM stands for Virtual Memory

VM stands for Vietnam (Socialist Republic of Vietnam)

VM stands for Voice Mail

VM stands for Veronica Mars (television show)

VM stands for Virgin Mobile

VM stands for Veterinary Medicine

VM stands for Valtiovarainministeriö (Finnish: Ministry of Finance;Helsinki)

VM stands for Virtual Museum

VM stands for Visual Merchandising

VM stands for Viggo Mortensen (actor)

VM stands for Volunteer Minister (Scientology)

VM stands for Vegetation Management

VM stands for Version Manager

VM stands for Vending Machine

VM stands for Voice Message

VM stands for Video Monitor

VM stands for Verification Model

VM stands for Vipassana Meditation (Buddhist practice)

VM stands for Voltmeter

VM stands for Value Management

VM stands for Vendor Management

VM stands for Visual Media

VM stands for View Mail (Emacs)

VM stands for Vehicle Maintenance

VM stands for Vocal Music

VM stands for Vagina Monologues

VM stands for Vastus Medialis (human muscle)

VM stands for Vocal Majority

VM stands for Velocity Modulation

VM stands for Volatile Matter

VM stands for Virtual Manufacturing

VM stands for VIBE Magazine

VM stands for Vaccinium Macrocarpon (American Cranberry)

VM stands for Vecinos Mundiales (Spanish; World-wide Neighbors)

VM stands for Valley Metro (AZ, public transit system)

VM stands for Velocity Management

VM stands for Velocity Meter

VM stands for Ventilation Mécanique (French: Mechanical Ventilation)

VM stands for Virtual Manipulatives (mathematics education)

VM stands for Voice Modulation

VM stands for Vertical Multiplier (NIOSH)

VM stands for Variable Metric

VM stands for Venturi Mask (oxygen delivery)

VM stands for Visayas-Mindanao

VM stands for Verifiable Multilateration (security mechanism)

VM stands for Virtual Madness

VM stands for Vivamos Mejor (Let Us Live Better; Guatemalan agency)

vM stands for Vorigen Monats (German: last month)

VM stands for Virus Manifesto (website)

Abbreviations And Their Meaning