VP stands for Vice President
VP stands for Value Proposition (market strategy)
VP stands for Viewpoint
VP stands for Venture Partner (finance)
VP stands for Voluntad Popular (Venezuelan political party)
VP stands for Video Poker
VP stands for Vice Principal
VP stands for Vacant Possession (housing construction)
VP stands for Video Phone (product)
VP stands for Vollpension (German: full board)
VP stands for Video Processor
VP stands for Villa Park (Orange County, California)
VP stands for Various Places
VP stands for Vacuum Pump
VP stands for Vojna Policija (Croatian: Military Police)
VP stands for Valor Points (gaming)
VP stands for Vapor Pressure
VP stands for Virtually Present
VP stands for Verb Phrase
VP stands for Victoria Patricia (Canada)
VP stands for Virtual Programming
VP stands for Volkspartei (People’s political party)
VP stands for Village People (disco artist)
VP stands for Vasopressin
VP stands for Vanden Plas (British Leyland luxury car)
VP stands for Variable Pressure
VP stands for Virtual Path
VP stands for Value Partners
VP stands for Ventriculoperitoneal
VP stands for Voice Processing
VP stands for Variable Pitch
VP stands for Victory Point
VP stands for Valkyrie Profile (video game)
VP stands for Vent Pipe
VP stands for Village Pump
VP stands for Viral Protein
VP stands for Ventura Publisher
VP stands for Vertebrate Paleontology
VP stands for Virtual-Physical
VP stands for Veterans Preference
VP stands for Virtual Printing (computing)
VP stands for Vital Point
VP stands for Variegate Porphyria
VP stands for Velocity Pressure
VP stands for Vintage Port
VP stands for Velocity Profile
VP stands for Vendor Profile
VP stands for Viral Particle
VP stands for Vocal Percussion (musical technique)
VP stands for Vector Processor
VP stands for Volts Peak (Tektronix)
VP stands for Virtual Process
VP stands for Virtual Prototype
VP stands for Vertical Polarization
VP stands for Validation Phase
VP stands for Verification Plan
VP stands for Village Pantry (convenience store)
VP stands for Voice Privacy
VP stands for Vulnerable Point
VP stands for Ventricular Peritoneal
VP stands for Vet Pet
VP stands for Vulvar Pain
VP stands for Voluntary Principles
VP stands for Video Projecteur
VP stands for Viewing Point (UK)
VP stands for Veeshan’s Peak (Everquest 2 computer game)
VP stands for Vapor Permeability
VP stands for Veritable Plethora
VP stands for Vendor Pay
VP stands for Vector Program
VP stands for Variable Portfolio
VP stands for Virtual Personalities
VP stands for Voiding Pressure
VP stands for Validation Prototype
VP stands for Venezuela Project (Venezuela)
VP stands for Verbal Prompt (early education)
VP stands for Valerio Polverini (Italy graphic design agency)
VP stands for Vanuaaku Party (Our Land Party, Vanuatu)
VP stands for Volontaire du Progrès (French: Volunteers for Progress)
VP stands for Voice Procedure (radio communications)
VP stands for Visitor Protection (National Park Service; designates armed park ranger position)
Vp stands for Platform Velocity
VP stands for Vapautus Palveluksesta (Finnish: relieved from service)
VP stands for Vita Patris (Latin: in Father’s Lifetime)
VP stands for Virtual Packet
VP stands for Viet Pride
VP stands for Venereal Pamphlet (US Navy)
VP stands for Vertical Planning
VP stands for Seaplane Patrol Squadron (US Navy aviation unit designation used in 1922)
VP stands for Fixed Wing Patrol Squadron
VP stands for Venta a Plazos
VP stands for Variance Propagation
VP stands for Visibility Period
VP stands for Viewer’s Pick
V-P stands for Volume-Pressure Curve (physiology)
V-P stands for Ventilation-Perfusion Scan (physiology)
V-P stands for vagotomy and pyloroplasty
V-P stands for Vincristine and Prednisolone (leukemia therapy)
V-P stands for Verapamil-Placebo Combination (chemical abuse research)