VA stands for Virginia (US postal abbreviation)

VA stands for Virtual Assistant

VA stands for Varese (Lombardia, Italy)

VA stands for Veterans Affairs

VA stands for Virtual Airlines

VA stands for Department of Veterans Affairs (US)

VA stands for Visual Arts

VA stands for Value Analysis

VA stands for Vatican City State (top level domain)

VA stands for Value Added

VA stands for Various Artists

VA stands for Viola

VA stands for Vivaldi

va stands for Voir Aussi (French: See Also)

VA stands for Veterans Administration (now Department of Veterans Affairs)

VA stands for Virtual Address

VA stands for Vanadium

VA stands for Voice Actor

VA stands for Vanaf (Dutch: From, used in pricing)

VA stands for Voice Activated

VA stands for Vice Admiral

VA stands for Variable Annuity

VA stands for Vulnerability Assessment

VA stands for Vibration Analysis

VA stands for Voluntary Aided (UK school status)

VA stands for Volt-Ampere

VA stands for Visual Acuity

VA stands for Volcanic Ash (METAR obscuration)

VA stands for Vinyl Acetate

VA stands for Viterbi Algorithm

VA stands for Visiting Associate (various schools)

VA stands for Vickers-Armstrong (British gun manufacturer)

VA stands for Visual Aid

VA stands for Volare Airlines (Italy)

VA stands for Vibro-Acoustic (software)

VA stands for Validation Authority (digital certificates)

VA stands for Valuation Allowance

VA stands for View Askew (gaming, Counter Strike)

VA stands for Vaginal Atrophy

VA stands for Ambulance Plane (US Navy)

VA stands for Valor Award (Australian police award)

VA stands for Variable Account

VA stands for Virtual Analog

VA stands for Votre Altesse (French: Your Highness)

VA stands for Vertical Angle

VA stands for Vertex Array (game programming)

VA stands for Vital Area

VA stands for Veterans Agency (UK government)

VA stands for Ventanas Alemanas (Guatemala)

VA stands for Aircraft speed

VA stands for Viscosity Agent (concrete)

VA stands for Video Amplifier

VA stands for Vulnerable Area

VA stands for Vicar Apostolic

VA stands for Ventriculoatrial

VA stands for Vehicle Analysis

VA stands for Velocity Analysis

VA stands for Villous Adenoma

VA stands for Vices Agens (Latin: Acting in Place Of, epigraphy)

VA stands for Viral Arthritis

VA stands for Vascular Aging

VA stands for Victoria and Albert Order (British)

VA stands for Ventricular Atrial

VA stands for Volume Absorber (physics)

VA stands for Variational Approximation

VA stands for Variant Armour (gaming)

VA stands for Vérification d’Aptitude (Informatique)

VA stands for Verbal Area (audio/video chat software)

VA stands for VisionAIR, Inc (Atlanta, GA public safety software manufacturer)

VA stands for Verkaufsagent (German: Selling Agent; eBay)

VA stands for Visual Accounting

VA stands for Vacation Absence

VA stands for Visual Training Aid Specialist (US Navy)

VA stands for Vietnamese Airlines

VA stands for Vertical Accelerator

VA stands for Vulnerability Analyzer (information security)

Va stands for Maximum-Design Maneuvering Velocity

VA stands for Vermont American, Inc.

VA stands for Vixit Annos (Latin: He Lived (insert number) Years, epigraphy)

VA stands for Fixed Wing, Heavier Than Air Aircraft, Attack (US Navy)

Abbreviations And Their Meaning