VAA stands for Visual Arts Alliance (est. 1981)
VAA stands for Visa Application Australia (immigration)
VAA stands for Verband Angestellter Akademiker (German: Academic Employee Association)
VAA stands for Virgin Atlantic Airways
VAA stands for Value-Added Assessment (education)
VAA stands for Vehicle Assembly Area
VAA stands for Value Added Activity
VAA stands for Visual Arts Association
VAA stands for Van Andel Arena (Michigan)
VAA stands for Vaasa, Finland – Vaasa (Airport Code)
VAA stands for Voice Activated Assistant
VAA stands for Viatical Association of America
VAA stands for Visual Access Angle (British Sit-Com, Coupling)
VAA stands for Value Added Attribute (USGS – National Hydrologic Dataset NHD)
VAA stands for Vulnerability Analysis and Assessment
VAA stands for Voice Auto Attendant
VAA stands for Vehicular Amplifier Adapters
VAA stands for Val d’Arros Adour (French soccer club)
VAA stands for Victoria Apartment Association (Victoria, TX)
VAA stands for Viewer Adapter Assembly
VAA stands for Visual Admissions Assistant
VAA stands for Virus Alerts and Advisories