VAC stands for Vacuum

VAC stands for Veterans Affairs Canada (Federal Government)

VAC stands for Vinyl Acetate

VAC stands for Vacant

VAC stands for Vacuum Assisted Closure

VAC stands for Vehicle Access Control

VAC stands for Ventilation and Air Conditioning

VAC stands for Vacate

VAC stands for Voltage in Alternating Current (electromagnetics)

VAC stands for Vehicle Air Conditioning

VAC stands for Valve Anti Cheat (gaming)

VAC stands for Volts Alternating Current

VAC stands for Video & Audio Center (California)

VAC stands for Valley Arts Council (various locations)

VAC stands for Visual Arts Competition (various locations)

VAC stands for Venice Art Center (Venice, FL)

VAC stands for Valley Athletic Club (various locations)

VAC stands for Vermont Arts Council (Montpelier, VT)

VAC stands for Velvet Acid Christ (band)

VAC stands for Visual Arts Club (various organizations)

VAC stands for Video Appeals Committee (Video Recordings Act; UK)

VAC stands for Voluntary Action Camden (England, UK)

VAC stands for Vascular Anomalies Center (Boston Children’s Hospital; Massachusetts)

VAC stands for Visa Application Charge (Australia)

VAC stands for Virtual Assessment Center (various meanings)

VAC stands for Volunteer Ambulance Corps

VAC stands for Voluntary Action Center

VAC stands for VPN Accelerator Card

VAC stands for Vulnerability Assessment Committee

VAC stands for Violence Against Children

VAC stands for Variance At Completion

VAC stands for Victorian AIDS Council

VAC stands for Vlaams Agrarisch Centrum (Belgium)

VAC stands for Visual Approach Chart (aviation)

VAC stands for Visual Applet Configurator (Stockholm, Sweden)

VAC stands for Vendor Advisory Council

VAC stands for Vitamin A Capsule

VAC stands for Validated Account Code

VAC stands for Voluntary Action Cumbria (England, UK)

VAC stands for V Amphibious Corps

VAC stands for Value Added Chain (economics)

VAC stands for Versatile Advection Code

VAC stands for Valiant Air Command

VAC stands for Valuation Appeal Committee (UK)

VAC stands for Victim Assistance Center

VAC stands for Value Adding Company

VAC stands for Voluntary Action Cardiff (Wales, UK)

VAC stands for Variety Artists Club of New Zealand Incorporated (est. 1966)

VAC stands for Value-Added Carrier

VAC stands for Value Added Community

VAC stands for Vultures Are Circling (impending death implication)

VAC stands for Vinyl Acetate Council

VAC stands for Ventriculoatrial Conduction

VAC stands for Value Added Consultancy

VAC stands for Victims Advisory Committee

VAC stands for Voice Activity Compression

VAC stands for Value Added Channels

VAC stands for Var Alpine Club (Solliès-Toucas, France)

VAC stands for Vital Area Center

VAC stands for Vulnerability Assessment Certification

VAC stands for Vancouver Airport Chaplaincy (Vancouver International Airport)

VAC stands for Value Added Carbohydrate

VAC stands for Verified Audit Circulation Company