WB stands for Will Be

WB stands for Warner Brothers

WB stands for Western Blot (biochemistry/molecular biology)

WB stands for White Balance (digital photography)

WB stands for World Bank

WB stands for West Bengal (state in India)

WB stands for Weber (SI unit of magnetic flux)

WB stands for Workbook

WB stands for Wilkes-Barre (Pennsylvania)

WB stands for Water-Based

WB stands for Wide Body

WB stands for Weight Bearing

WB stands for Workbench (Amiga GUI)

WB stands for Welcome Back (chat)

WB stands for Wheelbase

WB stands for Weekly Bulletin

WB stands for West Bank

WB stands for Water Board

WB stands for Wireless Broadband (Ciena)

WB stands for Whole Body

WB stands for West Bend

WB stands for Write Back

WB stands for Westbound

WB stands for Whole Blood

WB stands for Western Blotting

WB stands for Why Bother

W/B stands for Welcome Back

WB stands for World Book (encyclopedia)

WB stands for Wall Breakers (gaming)

WB stands for Wide Band

WB stands for White Belt (Lean Six Sigma training)

WB stands for Writers Block

WB stands for West Branch

WB stands for Wachovia Bank (stock symbol)

WB stands for William Beaumont (medicine school; Oakland University; Michigan)

W/B stands for Westbound

W/B stands for Write Back

WB stands for Wine Bar

WB stands for Wet Bulb (Temperature)

W/B stands for Wideband

WB stands for Water Base

WB stands for White Board

WB stands for Weighing Balance

WB stands for West Bloomfield (Michigan)

WB stands for Winter Break

WB stands for Women’s Bureau (US Department of Labor)

WB stands for Whistle Blower

WB stands for Wheat Bread

WB stands for Wood Badge (Boy Scouts of America)

WB stands for Window Box

W/B stands for Week Beginning

WB stands for Word Before (logging abbreviation)

WB stands for Waste Basket (computer/OS usage)

WB stands for West Berlin

WB stands for Werktuigbouwkunde (Dutch)

WB stands for White Border

WB stands for Warbird

WB stands for Waybill (shipping)

WB stands for Weather Bureau

WB stands for Wire Basket

WB stands for Women Build (Habitat for Humanity)

WB stands for Work Boat (US Navy)

WB stands for Warm Blood (saddle)

WB stands for War Birds

WB stands for Williamsburg Bridge (NYC)

WB stands for Water Basin

WB stands for Water Barrier

WB stands for White Bag (artillery propellant)

WB stands for Weather Balloon

WB stands for Water Ballast

WB stands for Wing Bowl (competitive eating contest; Philadelphia, PA)

WB stands for Weebl and Bob (cartoon)

WB stands for Wage Board

WB stands for Willow Beach

WB stands for Weigh Bridge

WB stands for Welded Bonnet

w/b stands for Water-Binder ratio (concrete)

WB stands for Where the Brothers (Mad TV)

WB stands for Wire Bonded

WB stands for Weldbond (glue)

WB stands for Water Brake

WB stands for Warrant Bond

WB stands for Western Baptist College (Salem, Oregon)

W/B stands for Wake and Bake (drug use)

WB stands for Warbreaker

WB stands for Wear Bushing (oil drilling)

WB stands for Wilson Bohannan Padlock Co (Marion, Ohio)

WB stands for Westerly Band (Pawcatuck, CT)

WB stands for Waldwick Band (Waldwick, NJ)

WC stands for Watson-Crick (DNA model)

WC stands for Wall Covering

W/C stands for Word Choice

WC stands for Wealth Creation

WC stands for Write Combining

WC stands for Weather Condition

WC stands for Winchester Cathedral

WC stands for World Conquest (gaming)

WC stands for Wesleyan Church

WC stands for World Court

WC stands for Wall Calendar

WC stands for Windows Commander

WC stands for Wellington College (UK)

WC stands for World Changers

WC stands for Water Cut

WC stands for Wire Center

WC stands for World Coordinate (computer science)

WC stands for Warren Central (High School)

WC stands for Writer’s Cramp

WC stands for Wildwood Crest (New Jersey)

W/C stands for Written Correspondence

WC stands for Wolf Camera

WC stands for Wesleyan Chapel

WC stands for World Clubs (Northwest Airlines lounge)

WC stands for Works Council

WC stands for Watch Commander (police)

WC stands for Weapons Control

WC stands for World Craft (3D mapping program)

WC stands for Wailing Caverns (World of Warcraft game)

WC stands for Westfield College

W/C stands for Workers Compensation policy (insurance)

WC stands for Wad Cutter (type of bullet)

WC stands for Wood Cutting (gaming, Rune-Scape)

WC stands for Worthless Check (finance)

WC stands for Waiting Child (adoptions)

W/C stands for Week Closing (referring to a date or deadline)

WC stands for Work Card (various nations)

WC stands for Waynesburg College (Pennsylvania)

WC stands for World Concept

WC stands for Corrected Sweep Width

WC stands for West Coaster (rollercoaster website)

WC stands for West Commons (Everquest)

WC stands for Wideband Communications

WC stands for Wrong Chat

WC stands for Water Charity (various locations)

WC stands for Written Comprehension (test)

WC stands for Working Circle (Sprint)

WC stands for Weight Code (vehicle registration USA)

WC stands for Woman Constable (UK)

WC stands for Wailing Caves (gaming, Everquest II)

WC stands for Write Controller

WC stands for Warlord’s Command (gaming, World of Warcraft)

W/C stands for Word Clearing

WC stands for White Cornish (chicken breed)

WC stands for Welsh Council

WC stands for Wind driven Current

WC stands for Washington Corporations

WC stands for Withdrawal Credit

WC stands for Wars Central (video game website)

WC stands for Wraparound Counter

W/C stands for Wrong Conversation

WC stands for Waived with Credits

WC stands for Work of the Chariot Trust

WC stands for Waste Convenience

WC stands for WasteCare Corporation

WC stands for Wog Coalition

WC stands for Weyman Copenhagen (Copenhagen Snuff)

WC stands for Wanaruah Custodians (Australia)