WE stands for World Education (Boston, MA)

WE stands for Women’s Entertainment

WE stands for Women’s Entertainment (TV channel)

WE stands for With Equipment

WE stands for West Europe

WE stands for World Editor (gaming)

WE stands for Whatever

WE stands for Weather

WE stands for Wednesday

WE stands for Western Electric

WE stands for Whenever

WE stands for Week Ending

WE stands for Water Equivalent (climatology)

WE stands for Welfare

W/E stands for Whatever

WE stands for Wine Enthusiast (magazine)

W/E stands for Who Ever

WE stands for Winning Eleven (game)

WE stands for Winning Eleven (Konami game)

WE stands for Write Enable

WE stands for Windows Embedded

W/E stands for Weekend

WE stands for Well-Endowed

WE stands for Wochenende (German: Weekend)

WE stands for Workstation Environment

WE stands for Writing Emphasis (various schools)

W/E stands for week ending

WE stands for Water Elemental (World of Warcraft gaming)

WE stands for Wax Ester

W/E stands for When Ever

WE stands for Wide Excision

WE stands for Wareneingang (German)

W/E stands for Wage Earner

WE stands for War Establishment

WE stands for Willenserklärung (German: declaration of intent)

W/E stands for Well Endowed

WE stands for Wilson Energy (Wilson, North Carolina)

WE stands for Withholding Exemptions

WE stands for Weapons Effect

WE stands for Weapon Effectiveness

WE stands for Weight Enumerator

WE stands for Weapon Engineering

W/E stands for World Ending

WE stands for Wardrop Equilibrium

W/E stands for Warrior/Elementalist (MMORPG Guild Wars)

WE stands for Women’s Reserve, Engineering Duties (US Navy)

Abbreviations And Their Meaning