WACC stands for Weighted Average Cost of Capital

WACC stands for World Association for Christian Communication

WACC stands for Women against Cervical Cancer

WACC stands for Work Activities Coordination and Collaboration (workshop)

WACC stands for Whittier Area Community Church (Whittier, California)

WACC stands for World Altair Computer Convention (est. 1976)

WACC stands for Weapons and Ammunition Commodity Council (US DHS)

WACC stands for Wellington Acorn Computer Club (New Zealand)

WACC stands for Williamsport Area Community College (now the Pennsylvania College of Technology; Williamsport, PA)

WACC stands for Water, Air and Climate Change (British Columbia, Canada)

WACC stands for West Auckland Community Church (UK)

WACC stands for Waste Acceptance Criteria Committee

WACC stands for World Africa Chamber of Commerce

WACC stands for Warning & Caution Computer (aviation)

Abbreviations And Their Meaning