Good Wedding Blessing Prayers For Bride And Groom

wedding-prayer blessings for the bride and groom

Wedding Prayers For Bride And Groom: While it is common for the officiant to be the one to pray during a wedding ceremony, the newly wed couple can choose a close relative such as a parent or a close friend to say a prayer in the reception. Prayer is a way to seek God’s wisdom together. As couple pray and come to agreements on matters, that discipline then builds unity and strength in the marriage. Marriage prayers can offer solace and reassurance that just as the stresses of life can test your bond, they can also make it stronger. Here are some of the best prayer blessings one can say during a wedding ceremony.

Short Wedding Prayers

Lord bless this beautiful couple with love and hope we pray.
Keep alive forever more the vows they’ve pledged today.
May you bless their dreams and visions,
And keep them always safe.
May peace and joy be with them now
On this their wedding day.

Opening Wedding Prayer:

Lord God Almighty,
Creator of the heavens and earth.
Thank you for the gift of marriage
For all the joy and love that it brings us.
We thank you for NAME and NAME
Thank you that you have brought them together for this special day,
And that you hold them safely in Your hands.
We pray that you would richly bless them as they exchange their vows and their wedding rings,
And from this day forward they would walk hand in hand into everything that you have destined them to be.
We give our hearts and beings to You now in adoration,
And welcome Your Holy Spirit amongst us.

Nature of love wedding prayer:

Father of mankind, whose nature is love, look with favor upon this woman and this man who desire to make their vows before you.
We are grateful for the providence that has led to this union.
Grant this to be more than an outward union, but also the blending of hearts and spirits and purposes.
Bless each with the inward qualities of integrity, trust, cooperation and forgiveness that they may live together in love and peace.

Bless this union wedding prayer:

Dear God, thank you for this joyous day.
Thank you for Your Light that has entered NAME and NAME’s life.
Thank you for all the miracles and blessings.
Please bless this union.
Help NAME and NAME find the perfect place in this world for their love to flourish.
Let the radiant light of their love shine on all those around them.
May all their future creations be blessed.
God, bless them with the inner gifts of trust, compassion, forgiveness and truth that they may live and grow together in love and peace.

Blessed wedding prayer:

Blessed are the man and the woman who have grown beyond themselves and have seen through their separations.
They delight in the way things are and keep their hearts open, day and night.
They are like trees planted near flowing rivers, which bear fruit when they are ready.
Their leaves will not fall or wither.
Everything they do will succeed.
Blessed is one who comes in the name of Love.

Wedding Prayer

God of loving devotion, may this couple be filled with love for each other that reflects your love for them. Your love always trusts, may they always trust each other. Your love always hopes, may they always be filled with the hope that is found in you. Your love always perseveres, may their love for each other endure through the difficulties of life. Your love never fails, may their love remain strong until the end. Fill them with your love, that they may love each other in the same way. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Closing Wedding Prayer

Gracious God, our hearts are filled with great happiness on this the wedding day of NAME and NAME. They come before you, pledging their lives and their hearts to one another.

Grant that they may be ever true and loving, living together in such a way as to never bring heartbreak into their marriage.

Temper their hearts with kindness and help them to be sweethearts, helpmates, friend and guide, and together, may they meet the cares and problems of life more bravely.

May their home truly be a place of love and harmony where your Spirit is ever present. Bless their wedding day, we pray, and walk beside them, through all their life together. Amen.

Family Wedding Prayer:

Lord, behold our family here assembled.
We thank you for this place in which we dwell,
for the love that unites us,
for the peace accorded us this day,
for the hope with which we expect the morrow,
for the health, the work, the food, and the bright skies that make our lives delightful;
for our friends in all parts of the earth.

Marriage Prayer for Your Wedding Day

Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for this beautiful day. You have fulfilled the desire of our hearts to be together in this life.
We pray that your blessing will always rest upon our home; that joy, peace and contentment would dwell within us as we live together in unity, and that all who enter our home may experience the strength of your love.
Father, help us to follow and serve you with an ever growing commitment because of our union. Guide us into greater love and sacrifice as we care for each other’s needs, knowing you will care for us.
May we always be as keenly aware of your presence as we sense it today on our wedding day. And may our devotion in marriage be a radiant reflection of your love for us. In the name of Jesus, our Savior, we pray.

1st Corinthians 13:4-7

Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud.
Love is never haughty or selfish or rude. Love does not demand its own way.
Love is not irritable or touchy. Love does not hold grudges and will hardly notice when others do it wrong.
Love is never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever truth wins out. If you love someone, you will be loyal to them no matter what the costs.
You will always believe in them, always expect the best in them, and will always stand your ground in defending them.

Good Wedding Blessing Prayers For Bride And Groom