1. YES stands for Youth Enjoying Sobriety (various locations)
  2. YES stands for Youth Employment Service (Canada)
  3. YES stands for Yamaha Education Suite
  4. YES stands for Your Education System
  5. YES stands for Youth Exchange and Study
  6. YES stands for Yamaha Extended Service (warranty)
  7. YES stands for Yield Engineering Systems (Livermore, CA)
  8. YES stands for Yankees Entertainment & Sports
  9. YES stands for Youth Engagement Strategy (various locations)
  10. YES stands for Youth Energy Summit
  11. YES stands for Young Enterprise Scheme (various organizations)
  12. YES stands for Young Engineers and Scientists (various locations)
  13. YES stands for Young Enterprise Switzerland
  14. YES stands for Youth Employment Solutions (Detroit, MI)
  15. YES stands for Young Epidemiology Scholars
  16. YES stands for Youth Enrichment Services (Boston, MA)
  17. YES stands for Youth Employment Strategy (Canada)
  18. YES stands for Yankee Environmental Systems (Turners Falls, MA)
  19. YES stands for Youth Engaged in Service
  20. YES stands for Youth Emergency Services
  21. YES stands for Youth Education Series (Disney Institute Youth Programs)
  22. YES stands for Youth for Environmental Sanity
  23. YES stands for Youth Experiences in Science (various locations)
  24. YES stands for Young European Scientists
  25. YES stands for Youth Empowerment Summit
  26. YES stands for Yale Entrepreneurial Society (Yale University; New Haven, CT)
  27. YES stands for Youth Enhancement Services
  28. YES stands for Youth Electoral Study (Australia)
  29. YES stands for Young Entrepreneurs for Europe
  30. YES stands for Young Engineers Sportscar (automobile)
  31. YES stands for Youth Engineering and Science
  32. YES stands for Youth Environmental Summit (Youth Environmental Coalition)
  33. YES stands for Youth and Education Services
  34. YES stands for Youth Education Scholarship
  35. YES stands for Youth Exchange Scheme (UK)
  36. YES stands for Youth Employment Start
  37. YES stands for Youth Evangelism Service
  38. YES stands for Youth Engaged in Science (Woodstock, GA)
  39. YES stands for Yanadi Education Society (India)
  40. YES stands for Yellowstone Ecosystem Studies
  41. YES stands for Youth Entrepreneurial Success
  42. YES stands for Youth Entrepreneurship Strategy (Smile Africa International)
  43. YES stands for Youth Elderly Service
  44. YES stands for Youth Entrepreneurs Society (Egypt)
  45. YES stands for Youth Exchanging with Seniors (FCCLA)
  46. YES stands for Yellowstone Electronic Solutions Company
  47. YES stands for Youth and Environment Society (Bahrain)
  48. YES stands for Yamada English Services (Tokyo, Japan)
  49. YES stands for Yacht Escort Ships, International
Abbreviations And Their Meaning