1. ABRA stands for Asociación de Bancos de la República Argentina (Spanish: Association of Banks of the Argentine Republic; Argentina)
  2. ABRA stands for American Bulldog Registry and Archives
  3. ABRA stands for American Boat Racing Association
  4. ABRA stands for American Bio-Recovery Association (crime/trauma scene recovery professionals)
  5. ABRA stands for Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration (Washington, DC)
  6. ABRA stands for American Boxer Rescue Association, Inc.
  7. ABRA stands for American Buckskin Registry Association
  8. ABRA stands for Alberta Barrel Racing Association (Canada)
  9. ABRA stands for American Blood Resources Association (Annapolis, MD)
  10. ABRA stands for American Barrel Racing Association
  11. ABRA stands for Argentine Bond Restructuring Agency plc
  12. ABRA stands for Association of Belgium Relocation Agents
  13. ABRA stands for Agricultural Biotechnology Regulatory Authority (India)
  14. ABRA stands for Ancillary Basis for Risk Analysis
  15. ABRA stands for American Boatbuilders and Repairers Association
  16. ABRA stands for Association of Burns and Reconstructive Anaestheists (formerly Plastic Surgical & Burns Anaesthetists)
  17. ABRA stands for Alaska Barrel Racers Association (Wasilla, Alaska)
  18. ABRA stands for Anatomy of the Brain
  19. ABRA stands for Associazione Brasiliana per la Riforma Agraria
  20. ABRA stands for Abeta-Related Angiitis
  21. ABRA stands for Archaeological/Biological Resource Application
  22. ABRA stands for American Bulldog Registry of Australia
  23. ABRA stands for Alexandria Bay Resort Area
  24. ABRA stands for All Breed Rescue Alliance, Inc.
  25. ABRA stands for Artillerie Beobachtungs Radar Anlage

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