- ACFA stands for American Cat Fanciers Association
- ACFA stands for Association Canadienne-Française de l’Alberta
- ACFA stands for Alberta Capital Finance Authority (Alberta, Canada)
- ACFA stands for A Child for All (Virginia)
- ACFA stands for Association of Christian Financial Advisers (UK)
- ACFA stands for Association du Chemin de Fer Forestier d’Abreschviller (French railway association)
- ACFA stands for American Cash Flow Association
- ACFA stands for Asian Committee for Future Accelerators
- ACFA stands for Army Cadet Force Association
- ACFA stands for Association of Clearing and Forwarding Agents (Sri Lanka)
- ACFA stands for Association of Consulting Foresters of Australia
- ACFA stands for Australia-China Foundation Association (est. 1977)
- ACFA stands for Arab Children Friends Association
- ACFA stands for Association of Cystic Fibrosis Adults
- ACFA stands for Allegheny County Fire Academy (Pennsylvania, USA)
- ACFA stands for A Call for Accountability
- ACFA stands for Atlanta Camaro and Firebird Association
- ACFA stands for Addison County Firefighters Association, Inc. (Vermont)
- ACFA stands for Arts and Cultural Foundation of Antioch
- ACFA stands for American Center for Artists
- ACFA stands for American College Funding Association
- ACFA stands for Anti-Chaff Frequency Agile
- ACFA stands for Accelerated Co-Financing Scheme for Africa (Japanese assistance project)
- ACFA stands for Australian Cane Farmers Federation
- ACFA stands for Asociación Colombiana de Falcultades de Arquitectura
- ACFA stands for Advanced Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) Frame Aligner (electrical engineering)
- ACFA stands for Alabama Coastal Fisherman’s Association