1. ACFA stands for American Cat Fanciers Association
  2. ACFA stands for Association Canadienne-Française de l’Alberta
  3. ACFA stands for Alberta Capital Finance Authority (Alberta, Canada)
  4. ACFA stands for A Child for All (Virginia)
  5. ACFA stands for Association of Christian Financial Advisers (UK)
  6. ACFA stands for Association du Chemin de Fer Forestier d’Abreschviller (French railway association)
  7. ACFA stands for American Cash Flow Association
  8. ACFA stands for Asian Committee for Future Accelerators
  9. ACFA stands for Army Cadet Force Association
  10. ACFA stands for Association of Clearing and Forwarding Agents (Sri Lanka)
  11. ACFA stands for Association of Consulting Foresters of Australia
  12. ACFA stands for Australia-China Foundation Association (est. 1977)
  13. ACFA stands for Arab Children Friends Association
  14. ACFA stands for Association of Cystic Fibrosis Adults
  15. ACFA stands for Allegheny County Fire Academy (Pennsylvania, USA)
  16. ACFA stands for A Call for Accountability
  17. ACFA stands for Atlanta Camaro and Firebird Association
  18. ACFA stands for Addison County Firefighters Association, Inc. (Vermont)
  19. ACFA stands for Arts and Cultural Foundation of Antioch
  20. ACFA stands for American Center for Artists
  21. ACFA stands for American College Funding Association
  22. ACFA stands for Anti-Chaff Frequency Agile
  23. ACFA stands for Accelerated Co-Financing Scheme for Africa (Japanese assistance project)
  24. ACFA stands for Australian Cane Farmers Federation
  25. ACFA stands for Asociación Colombiana de Falcultades de Arquitectura
  26. ACFA stands for Advanced Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) Frame Aligner (electrical engineering)
  27. ACFA stands for Alabama Coastal Fisherman’s Association

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