1. ACOR  stands for Association of Cancer Online Resources
  2. ACOR  stands for American Center of Oriental Research
  3. ACOR  stands for American Conference on Oriental Rugs (est. 1992)
  4. ACOR  stands for Advanced Certificate in Operational Risk
  5. ACOR  stands for African American Coalition of Reading (Reading, PA)
  6. ACOR  stands for Assistant Contracting Officer Representative
  7. ACOR  stands for Australian Council of Recycling (Australia)
  8. ACOR  stands for Advisory Committee on Research (Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute)
  9. ACOR  stands for African Commercial Representation (Abidjan, Ivory Coast)
  10. ACOR  stands for Agreed Cost of Repair (insurance)
  11. ACOR  stands for Air Care on Road (Canada)
  12. ACOR  stands for Actual Cost of Repair
  13. ACOR  stands for Administrative Contracting Officers Representative

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