1. ACRN stands for America’s Career Resource Network
  2. ACRN stands for Accounting Classification Reference Number
  3. ACRN stands for Asthma Clinical Research Network (National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute)
  4. ACRN stands for AIDS Certified Registered Nurse
  5. ACRN stands for Les Amis de la Cathédrale Russe de Nice (French: Friends of the Russian Cathedral in Nice; Nice, France)
  6. ACRN stands for All Campus Radio Network (Ohio University)
  7. ACRN stands for Acoustic Coordinated Reset Neuromodulation (tinnitus treatment)

ACRN American Country Radio Network (Internet radio)
ACRN Aéro-Club de Rouen Normandie (French aviation club; Normandy, France)
ACRN Académie Chrétienne de la Rive Nord (French: North Shore Christian Academy; Canada)


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