1. ACS stands for (Automated Collection System) Call Site
  2. ACS stands for Affiliated Computer Services, Inc.
  3. ACS stands for Australian Computer Society
  4. ACS stands for American Constitution Society for Law and Policy
  5. ACS stands for Advanced Camera for Surveys (Hubble Space Telescope)
  6. ACS stands for American Community Survey (US Census Bureau)
  7. ACS stands for Army Community Service
  8. ACS stands for Access Control Server (Cisco Systems)
  9. ACS stands for Access Control Server (Cisco)
  10. ACS stands for Access
  11. ACS stands for American Chemical Society
  12. ACS stands for Acute Coronary Syndrome (medical condition)
  13. ACS stands for American Cancer Society
  14. ACS stands for American Constitution Society
  15. ACS stands for American Citizen Services (US Department of State)
  16. ACS stands for Administration for Children’s Services (New York City)
  17. ACS stands for American College of Surgeons
  18. ACS stands for Acute Coronary Syndromes (journal)
  19. ACS stands for Assistant Chief of Staff
  20. ACS stands for Association of Caribbean States
  21. ACS stands for Academic Computing Services
  22. ACS stands for Army Community Services
  23. ACS stands for Auto Club Speedway (various locations)
  24. ACS stands for American Camellia Society
  25. ACS stands for Allen County Scottsville High School (Kentucky)
  26. ACS stands for Alexander County Schools (North Carolina)
  27. ACS stands for Access Control System(s)
  28. ACS stands for Anglo-Chinese School
  29. ACS stands for Animal Care Services (various locations)
  30. ACS stands for Air Conditioning Service (various locations)
  31. ACS stands for Advances in Chemistry Series (American Chemical Society)
  32. ACS stands for Auto Club South
  33. ACS stands for Animal Care Specialist
  34. ACS stands for Association of Community Services (Columbia, MD)
  35. ACS stands for Administrative Computing Services (Boston University)
  36. ACS stands for American Citizens Services (US State Department)
  37. ACS stands for Asheville City Schools (Asheville, NC)
  38. ACS stands for Association of Convenience Stores
  39. ACS stands for Andragoški Center Slovenije (Slovenian: Slovenian Institute for Adult Education)
  40. ACS stands for Adventist Community Services
  41. ACS stands for Assembly Christian School (various locations)
  42. ACS stands for Air Cargo Security
  43. ACS stands for Advanced Card Systems Ltd.
  44. ACS stands for Associated Colleges of the South
  45. ACS stands for Advanced Console Server (various companies)
  46. ACS stands for Attitude Control System
  47. ACS stands for Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
  48. ACS stands for Advisory Committee on Sustainability (various locations)
  49. ACS stands for American Cetacean Society (whale conservation group)
  50. ACS stands for Adobe Creative Suite
  51. ACS stands for Alumni Career Services (various schools)
  52. ACS stands for Advanced Computer Software (various locations)
  53. ACS stands for Assertion Consumer Service
  54. ACS stands for Auxiliary Communications Service
  55. ACS stands for Alpha Chi Sigma (professional chemistry fraternity)
  56. ACS stands for American Ceramic Society
  57. ACS stands for Ambulatory Care Sensitive
  58. ACS stands for Australian Cinematographers Society
  59. ACS stands for Axis Camera Station
  60. ACS stands for Automobil Club Der Schweiz (automobile club of Switzerland)
  61. ACS stands for American Community School (Abu Dhabi, UAE)
  62. ACS stands for Air Charter Services (various locations)
  63. ACS stands for Australian Customs Service
  64. ACS stands for Address Change Service
  65. ACS stands for Anterior Compartment Syndrome (legs)
  66. ACS stands for Advanced Customer Support (various companies)
  67. ACS stands for Applied Cognitive Science (various universities)
  68. ACS stands for American Coatings Show (trade show)
  69. ACS stands for ATP-Citrate Synthase
  70. ACS stands for American Corporate Services (various locations)
  71. ACS stands for Air Conditioning System
  72. ACS stands for Automated Commercial System
  73. ACS stands for American Colonization Society
  74. ACS stands for Accrediting Commission for Schools (Western Association of Schools & Colleges)
  75. ACS stands for Approved Contractor Scheme (UK)
  76. ACS stands for Advanced Communications Solutions (various locations)
  77. ACS stands for American Conifer Society
  78. ACS stands for Assessoria de Comunicação Social (Portuguese: Office of Social Communication; Brazil)
  79. ACS stands for Athens City Schools (Alabama)
  80. ACS stands for Aerial Common Sensor
  81. ACS stands for Association for Canadian Studies
  82. ACS stands for Automated Collection System
  83. ACS stands for Adaptive Control System
  84. ACS stands for American Cheese Society
  85. ACS stands for Alcohol Countermeasure Systems
  86. ACS stands for Applied Communication Sciences (Basking Ridge, NJ)
  87. ACS stands for Annual Cancer Symposium
  88. ACS stands for Applied Computer Science
  89. ACS stands for Aboriginal Children’s Survey (Canada)
  90. ACS stands for Advances in Complex Systems
  91. ACS stands for ArsDigita Community System
  92. ACS stands for Air Control Squadron
  93. ACS stands for Anti Collision System (various companies)
  94. ACS stands for Automated Cartridge System
  95. ACS stands for Art and Culture Studies
  96. ACS stands for Automatic Class Selection
  97. ACS stands for Audit Collection Service
  98. ACS stands for Alternate Character Set
  99. ACS stands for Advocates for Children’s Services (North Carolina)
  100. ACS stands for Australian Correspondence Schools
  101. ACS stands for Advanced Composite Structures
  102. ACS stands for Applied Computer Solutions
  103. ACS stands for Adolescent Counseling Services
  104. ACS stands for Army Combat Shirt (US DoD)
  105. ACS stands for Advising and Counseling Services (various schools)
  106. ACS stands for Average Class Size
  107. ACS stands for Automatic Control System
  108. ACS stands for Australian Computer Science
  109. ACS stands for Associate Customer Service (LOMA)
  110. ACS stands for Advanced Coating Solutions (insulation; various locations)
  111. ACS stands for Alaska Communications System
  112. ACS stands for Alton Convent School (UK)
  113. ACS stands for Advanced Computer Services
  114. ACS stands for Arizona Computer Services
  115. ACS stands for Associate, Customer Service
  116. ACS stands for Adjacent Channel Selectivity
  117. ACS stands for Agile Combat Support
  118. ACS stands for Automation & Control Solutions
  119. ACS stands for Association of Clinical Scientists
  120. ACS stands for American Cryonics Society
  121. ACS stands for Aged Care Services
  122. ACS stands for Applied Control Solutions (various locations)
  123. ACS stands for Advanced Communicator Silver (Toastmasters International)
  124. ACS stands for Acrocephalosyndactyly
  125. ACS stands for Applied Consultancy Solutions
  126. ACS stands for AEGIS Combat System
  127. ACS stands for Atmosphere Control System (Linde)
  128. ACS stands for Airfield Construction Squadron (Royal Australian Air Force)
  129. ACS stands for Advisory Committee for Scotland (UK)
  130. ACS stands for Alternate Care Site
  131. ACS stands for American Carbon Society (formerly American Carbon Committee)
  132. ACS stands for Advanced Communication System
  133. ACS stands for Aged and Community Services (Australia)
  134. ACS stands for Advanced Computer System
  135. ACS stands for Asynchronous Communications Server
  136. ACS stands for Adult Correctional Services (Canada)
  137. ACS stands for Auto Channel Scan (electronics)
  138. ACS stands for Automobile Club de Suisse
  139. ACS stands for Anti-Chop System (paintball)
  140. ACS stands for Apolyton Civilization Site (gaming)
  141. ACS stands for Add Compare Select
  142. ACS stands for Active Control System
  143. ACS stands for Arabic Computer Systems
  144. ACS stands for American College of Sofia (Bulgaria)
  145. ACS stands for Automated Characterization Suite
  146. ACS stands for Automobile Consumer Services, Inc.
  147. ACS stands for Air Commando Squadron
  148. ACS stands for Adaptive Coordinate System
  149. ACS stands for American Correctional Solutions (healthcare; Orange, CA)
  150. ACS stands for Acquisition of Signal
  151. ACS stands for Advanced Civil Schooling
  152. ACS stands for auxiliary crane ship (US Navy)
  153. ACS stands for Advisory Cisco Secure (software)
  154. ACS stands for Audio Car Stereo
  155. ACS stands for Advanced Communications Services
  156. ACS stands for Air Circulation System
  157. ACS stands for Access Control Set
  158. ACS stands for ALMA Common Software
  159. ACS stands for Adventure Construction Set (game creation software)
  160. ACS stands for American Crystal Sugar Company
  161. ACS stands for American Cooperative School (Suriname)
  162. ACS stands for American Community Service
  163. ACS stands for Automatic Crane Stopper (safety device)
  164. ACS stands for Advanced Contact Solutions, Inc (Philippines)
  165. ACS stands for Adult & Community Services (UK)
  166. ACS stands for Automated Case Support System (FBI investigative database)
  167. ACS stands for Admission Control Service
  168. ACS stands for Array Controller Software (HP StorageWorks)
  169. ACS stands for Advanced Conservation Systems, Inc. (Lancaster, CA)
  170. ACS stands for Airport Customer Service
  171. ACS stands for American Challenge Series (athletics)
  172. ACS stands for Accommodation and Campus Services (University of Sheffield; UK)
  173. ACS stands for Aventis Crop Science
  174. ACS stands for Aircraft Combat Survivability
  175. ACS stands for African Civil Society (UN)
  176. ACS stands for Air Combat Systems (Northrop Grumman Corp.)
  177. ACS stands for Amphibious Command Ship
  178. ACS stands for Antenna Control System
  179. ACS stands for Acroá (SIL code for an extinct language of Brazil)
  180. ACS stands for African & Caribbean Society
  181. ACS stands for American Computer Software
  182. ACS stands for Application Contents Service (distributed computing)
  183. ACS stands for Alternating Current Signal
  184. ACS stands for American Cockatiel Society
  185. ACS stands for Association of Cricket Statisticians and Historians
  186. ACS stands for Asian Cultural Society
  187. ACS stands for Abbotsford Community Services (British Columbia)
  188. ACS stands for Aircraft Shelter
  189. ACS stands for airspace control system
  190. ACS stands for Administrative and Commercial Studies
  191. ACS stands for Audio Control System (aviation)
  192. ACS stands for Automated Circulation System (System that connects to a library’s item and patron database)
  193. ACS stands for Automatic Contrast Selection
  194. ACS stands for American Clematis Society
  195. ACS stands for ATM Circuit Steering
  196. ACS stands for Advertising Club Styria (Austria)
  197. ACS stands for Ayrshire Cancer Support (Ayrshire, Scotland)
  198. ACS stands for Armored Cavalry Squadron
  199. ACS stands for Anchorage Christian Schools
  200. ACS stands for Agency Computer Systems, Inc.
  201. ACS stands for Aircraft Component Services
  202. ACS stands for Action Code Script (Hexen scripting language)
  203. ACS stands for Anion: Cation Symporter
  204. ACS stands for Auxiliary Cooling System
  205. ACS stands for Asymmetric Cooling System (NVideo card)
  206. ACS stands for Ada Compilation System
  207. ACS stands for Auxiliary Coordinate System
  208. ACS stands for Australian Ceramic Society (Australia)
  209. ACS stands for Advanced Camera System
  210. ACS stands for Asset Control System
  211. ACS stands for Ashbourne Community School
  212. ACS stands for Applied Common Sense
  213. ACS stands for Alarm and Control System
  214. ACS stands for Aircraft Cross Servicing
  215. ACS stands for Association for Children’s Suffrage
  216. ACS stands for Auriemma Consulting Group (Westbury, NY)
  217. ACS stands for Anderson Consulting Group
  218. ACS stands for Air Cavalry Squadron
  219. ACS stands for Acid Scrubber
  220. ACS stands for Alternating Current Synchronous
  221. ACS stands for Automatic Calibration System
  222. ACS stands for Automated Clearing System
  223. ACS stands for Autograph Card Signed (philatelics)
  224. ACS stands for Athlétic Club Salonais (French athletic club)
  225. ACS stands for Association of Contemplative Sisters
  226. ACS stands for Altitude Control System
  227. ACS stands for Alexandria Choral Society (Alexandria, Virginia)
  228. ACS stands for Associazione Cooperatori Salesiani (Italian: Salesian Cooperators Association)
  229. ACS stands for Australian Cinematographer Society
  230. ACS stands for Administrative Counseling System (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; Japan)
  231. ACS stands for Accounting Classification Structure
  232. ACS stands for Afloat Correlation System
  233. ACS stands for Association of Consulting Scientists
  234. ACS stands for Analog Circuit Simulation
  235. ACS stands for Alternative Conservation System
  236. ACS stands for Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd (Tempe, Arizona)
  237. ACS stands for Affiliated Construction Services, Inc.
  238. ACS stands for Approved Certification Scheme (UK)
  239. ACS stands for Air Capable Ship
  240. ACS stands for Access Control Store
  241. ACS stands for Arab Cultural Society
  242. ACS stands for Army Corrections System
  243. ACS stands for Advanced Competitive Strategies, Inc.
  244. ACS stands for Airborne Common Sensor (US DoD)
  245. ACS stands for Air Campaign Simulator
  246. ACS stands for Activity Classification Structure
  247. ACS stands for Account Control System
  248. ACS stands for Automated Correspondence System
  249. ACS stands for Arcadia Christian School
  250. ACS stands for Application Control Services
  251. ACS stands for Andrews Consulting Services (Cleveland, OH)
  252. ACS stands for Auto Contrôle Spécialisé (French: Auto Control Specialist)
  253. ACS stands for Automated Classification System
  254. ACS stands for Alternate Control System
  255. ACS stands for American Communications Services, Inc.
  256. ACS stands for Accent Computer Services Ltd.
  257. ACS stands for Afghans for a Civil Society
  258. ACS stands for Aerospace Medicine Consultation Service (USAF)
  259. ACS stands for Army Communication System
  260. ACS stands for Atlanta Computer Society
  261. ACS stands for Automated Cost System (FTS 2000)
  262. ACS stands for Army Combatives School
  263. ACS stands for Advanced Cryptographic System
  264. ACS stands for Airport Certification Specification (aviation)
  265. ACS stands for Aldus Color File
  266. ACS stands for Administrative Control System
  267. ACS stands for Accel Computer Services
  268. ACS stands for Acquisition & Command Support
  269. ACS stands for Artillery Computer System
  270. ACS stands for Asthma Control Score
  271. ACS stands for Automated Compounding System (North Carolina)
  272. ACS stands for Antenna Coupler Set
  273. ACS stands for Acoustic Control Systems BV
  274. ACS stands for Access Control Signal
  275. ACS stands for Active Control Station
  276. ACS stands for Advanced Concepts Simulator
  277. ACS stands for Automatic Certification System
  278. ACS stands for Autologue Computer Systems, Inc.
  279. ACS stands for Automated Chemical Systems
  280. ACS stands for Advanced Crew Stations
  281. ACS stands for Afrika, Caribisch Gebied en de Stille Zuidzee (Dutch: African, Caribbean, and Pacific states)
  282. ACS stands for Air Control Supervisor
  283. ACS stands for Adjacent Channel Separation
  284. ACS stands for Acceptance Criteria Specification
  285. ACS stands for Above Core Structures
  286. ACS stands for Active Compensation System (mechanical or electronic feed-forward or feedback system)
  287. ACS stands for Andromeda Computing Systems
  288. ACS stands for Austin Commedia Society
  289. ACS stands for Augmented Control System
  290. ACS stands for Attitude Control Sub/system
  291. ACS stands for Archive and Catalogue System
  292. ACS stands for Arenacross Championship Series (motorsports)
  293. ACS stands for Atelier de Création de Services (French: Workshop of Creation of Services)
  294. ACS stands for Application Communication Services
  295. ACS stands for Administrative Communications Services
  296. ACS stands for Airport Communication System
  297. ACS stands for Avco Computer Services
  298. ACS stands for Auxiliary Core Storage
  299. ACS stands for Alaskan Communications System
  300. ACS stands for Alternate Command System
  301. ACS stands for Adiabatically Corrected Sudden (approximation)
  302. ACS stands for Active Component Site
  303. ACS stands for AARTS Controller Subsystem
  304. ACS stands for Absolute Consistent System
  305. ACS stands for Acoustic Support Console
  306. ACS stands for Adjacent Cell Separation
  307. ACS stands for Adaptive Circuit-based Shaping
  308. ACS stands for Alternate Care System
  309. ACS stands for Air Crew Specialist
  310. ACS stands for Analyst-to-Console System
  311. ACS stands for Antenna Control Segment
  312. ACS stands for Association des Cadres de Santé
  313. ACS stands for Assembly and Council Secretariat
  314. ACS stands for Asset Control Subsystem
  315. ACS stands for Artsy Computing Services
  316. ACS stands for Amigonian Cooperators
  317. ACS stands for Antireticular Cytoxic Serum
  318. ACS stands for Afloat Cryptologic Systems
  319. ACS stands for Advanced Crew Systems
  320. ACS stands for Adjunct Controlled Switch
  321. ACS stands for Advanced Classification Schedule
  322. ACS stands for Automatic Circle Savings (MCI)
  323. ACS stands for Automated Configuration Server
  324. ACS stands for Automated Cashbook System
  325. ACS stands for Auto Channel Shutdown (Cisco)
  326. ACS stands for Access Call Server
  327. ACS stands for Aircraft Control Surveillance
  328. ACS stands for Asil Construction Services
  329. ACS stands for Army Combat Simulations
  330. ACS stands for ATCCS Common Software
  331. ACS stands for Aural Cuing System
  332. ACS stands for Associate Services Center
  333. ACS stands for Ashland Central School (Maine)
  334. ACS stands for Assurance Construction Service (France)
  335. ACS stands for Automatic Checkout System/Software

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