1. ADSC  stands for Adipose Derived Stromal/Stem Cell
  2. ADSC  stands for Active Duty Service Commitment
  3. ADSC  stands for Adobe Document Structuring Conventions
  4. ADSC  stands for Address Status Changed
  5. ADSC  stands for Australian Defence Studies Centre (est. 1987)
  6. ADSC  stands for Applied Direct Services Corporation (Toronto, ON, Canada)
  7. ADSC  stands for Army Development and Selection Centre (UK MoD)
  8. ADSC  stands for Automatic Data Service Center
  9. ADSC  stands for Amusement Device Safety Council (UK)
  10. ADSC  stands for Acquisition Data Systems Controller
  11. ADSC  stands for Air Defense Software Committee
  12. ADSC  stands for Application Development Service Center
  13. ADSC  stands for Artificial Differentiated-Sophisticated Consciousness
  14. ADSC  stands for Active Directory Schema Classes (Microsoft)
  15. ADSC  stands for Aerodigestive and Sleep Center (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center)
  16. ADSC  stands for Automatic Digital Switch Center
  17. ADSC  stands for Aggregate Diagnostic Service Category (National Committee for Quality Assurance)
  18. ADSC  stands for Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Contract
  19. ADSC  stands for Andrew Doyle Safety Consultants Ltd (Ireland)

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