1. AEL stands for Association Electronique Libre
  2. AEL stands for Airport Express Line (various locations)
  3. AEL stands for Arab European League
  4. AEL stands for Adult Education and Literacy (classes)
  5. AEL stands for Acceptable Exposure Limit
  6. AEL stands for Arabisch Europese Liga
  7. AEL stands for Agence de l’Energie
  8. AEL stands for Appalachia Educational Laboratory
  9. AEL stands for Affaires en Ligne (French: Business Online)
  10. AEL stands for Avenir Electrique de Limoges (French electrical company)
  11. AEL stands for Accessible Emission Limit
  12. AEL stands for Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth
  13. AEL stands for Asterisk Extension Language (computer programming)
  14. AEL stands for Advanced Email Locator
  15. AEL stands for American Esoteric Laboratories
  16. AEL stands for Air Evac Lifeteam (air medical service; various locations)
  17. AEL stands for Ancient Egyptian Language
  18. AEL stands for Albert Lea (Municipal) Airport (Minnesota)
  19. AEL stands for Aeronautical Engine Laboratory
  20. AEL stands for Adverse-Effect-Level
  21. AEL stands for American Electric Lighting
  22. AEL stands for Airborne Exposure Limit
  23. AEL stands for Adaptive Engineering Lab
  24. AEL stands for Aerospace Education Laboratory (NASA)
  25. AEL stands for Army Electronic Library (Canadian Forces)
  26. AEL stands for Aquatic Ecology Laboratory
  27. AEL stands for African Explosives Ltd.
  28. AEL stands for Autoepistemic Logic
  29. AEL stands for Autoexposure Lock (cameras)
  30. AEL stands for Applicable Exposure Limits
  31. AEL stands for Advanced e-Learning
  32. AEL stands for Atlantic Electronics Limited
  33. AEL stands for American Electronic Laboratories (Lansdale, PA)
  34. AEL stands for Athlitiki Enosi Larisas (Greek sports organization)
  35. AEL stands for Application Extension Language
  36. AEL stands for Athlitiki Enosis Lemesou (Cyprus football team)
  37. AEL stands for Augmented Environments Laboratory
  38. AEL stands for Artificial Evolution Laboratory (Evangelion)
  39. AEL stands for Asiatic Exclusion League
  40. AEL stands for Apparatebau Engineering Leisnig (Germany)
  41. AEL stands for Ancient Egyptian Lives
  42. AEL stands for Algorithm Enunciation Language
  43. AEL stands for Analytical Electron Microscopy
  44. AEL stands for Advanced Electronics Ltd
  45. AEL stands for Auto Euro Location
  46. AEL stands for Association des Etudiants en Lettres (Switzerland)
  47. AEL stands for Associazione Europea Maestri Liutai e Archettai
  48. AEL stands for Advancing Enterprise Ltd
  49. AEL stands for Asociación Europeo-Latinoamericana
  50. AEL stands for Art Enterprises Limited
  51. AEL stands for Authorized Equipment Listing
  52. AEL stands for Avian Energetics Lab
  53. AEL stands for Action Experience Learning (Finland)
  54. AEL stands for Analog Enhancement Layer
  55. AEL stands for Alderley Environmental Ltd.
  56. AEL stands for Admiralty Engineering Lab (UK)
  57. AEL stands for Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Elektrizitätsanwendung in der Landwirtschaft eV
  58. AEL stands for Arbeitserziehungslager Farge (Educational workcamp Farge)
  59. AEL stands for Automatic Edge Lock
  60. AEL stands for Action Environment Ltd
  61. AEL stands for Airdrop Enhanced Logistics Visibility Information System (US DoD)
  62. AEL stands for Allowance Equipage/Equipment List
  63. AEL stands for Automated Employee Locator
  64. AEL stands for Agent’s Echo Line

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