1. AEP stands for American Electric Power
  2. AEP stands for Association of Educational Publishers
  3. AEP stands for Arts Education Partnership (Washington, DC)
  4. AEP stands for All Expense Paid
  5. AEP stands for Alberta Environment and Parks (Alberta, Canada)
  6. AEP stands for Alimentation en Eau Potable (French: drinking water supply)
  7. AEP stands for Application Environment Profile
  8. AEP stands for Aumônerie de l’Enseignement Public (French: Chaplaincy of Public Education)
  9. AEP stands for Accredited Estate Planner
  10. AEP stands for Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
  11. AEP stands for Asociación Española de Pediatría (Spanish Pediatrics Association)
  12. AEP stands for Applied and Engineering Physics
  13. AEP stands for Alternative Education Program

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