1. AFR  stands for Australian Financial Review
  2. AFR  stands for African
  3. AFR  stands for Applicable Federal Rate
  4. AFR  stands for Alternate Frame Rendering
  5. AFR  stands for Air Filter Regulator (various companies)
  6. AFR  stands for Afrikaans (South African language)
  7. AFR  stands for Air France (ICAO code)
  8. AFR  stands for Accounting and Financial Reporting (various organizations)
  9. AFR  stands for Air Force Reserve
  10. AFR  stands for Annual Financial Report
  11. AFR  stands for American Family Radio (Christian radio network)
  12. AFR  stands for Aides à Finalité Régionale (French: Regional Aid)
  13. AFR  stands for A Football Report (est. 2009)
  14. AFR  stands for Automatic Fingerprint Recognition
  15. AFR  stands for Asian Formula Renault (race)
  16. AFR  stands for Arbel Fauvet Rail (French railway manufacturer; Douai, France)
  17. AFR  stands for Air Force Regulation
  18. AFR  stands for Annualized Failure Rate
  19. AFR  stands for Association Française des Russisants (French Russian culture association)
  20. AFR  stands for Ancient Faith Radio (Internet radio station)
  21. AFR  stands for American Financial Realty Trust
  22. AFR  stands for Afren PLC (UK)
  23. AFR  stands for Association Française pour la Réduction des Risques (French: French Association for Risk Reduction)
  24. AFR  stands for Annual Failure Rate
  25. AFR  stands for African Department (International Monetary Fund)
  26. AFR  stands for Air-to-Fuel Ratio
  27. AFR  stands for Automatic Feature Recognition
  28. AFR  stands for Association Française du Ragdoll (French: French Ragdoll Association)
  29. AFR  stands for Allocation Formation Reclassement
  30. AFR  stands for Alternative Fuels and Raw Materials
  31. AFR  stands for Average Failure Rate
  32. AFR  stands for Advanced Fuel Research, Inc.
  33. AFR  stands for Available Financial Resources (finance)
  34. AFR  stands for Assign Frequency for Network Reporting (US DoD)
  35. AFR  stands for Accident Frequency Ratio
  36. AFR  stands for Asociatia Femeilor din România (Women’s Association of Romania)
  37. AFR  stands for Away From Reactor (water storage basin)
  38. AFR  stands for Applied for Registration
  39. AFR  stands for Alt.fairs.renaissance (Usenet group frequented by RenFest attendees)
  40. AFR  stands for Americans for a Free Republic (Dallas, TX)
  41. AFR  stands for Authorized Firm Representative (persons responsible for managing a financial institution’s access to the National Registration System)
  42. AFR  stands for Administrative and Fundraising expense Rate
  43. AFR  stands for Air Force Recognition
  44. AFR  stands for Available for Reassignment
  45. AFR  stands for Automatic Flexible Routing
  46. AFR  stands for Audit Finding Report
  47. AFR  stands for Accidental Fecal Release
  48. AFR  stands for Aides à la Formation Recherche
  49. AFR  stands for Arndt-Ford-Roper
  50. AFR  stands for Asynchronous Fixed Repetition
  51. AFR  stands for Artillery Flash Ranging
  52. AFR  stands for Authentication Failure Report
  53. AFR  stands for Appropriation for RDT&E
  54. AFR  stands for Approximate Factor Re-Normalization
  55. AFR  stands for Additional Funding Request
  56. AFR  stands for Advanced Fuel Reprocessing
  57. AFR  stands for As Found Report
  58. AFR  stands for Acid Fractionation Recycle
  59. AFR  stands for Ampoule Filling Room
  60. AFR  stands for Affordable Readiness
  61. AFR  stands for Average Fuel Rate
  62. AFR  stands for Automated Field Report
  63. AFR  stands for Angle Face Ring (pipe valves and fittings)

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