• CARL  stands for CART (Cloud and Radiation Testbed) Raman Lidar
  • CARL  stands for Combined Arms Research Library (Fort Leavenworth, KS, USA)
  • CARL  stands for Canadian Association of Research Libraries
  • CARL  stands for Child Abuse Report Line (Australia)
  • CARL  stands for Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (Philippines)
  • CARL  stands for Sandburg Home National Historic Site (US National Park Service)
  • CARL  stands for Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries
  • CARL  stands for Conservation and Recreation Lands
  • CARL  stands for Chemically Amplified Resist Lithography
  • CARL  stands for Computerized Activities Results List (US FEMA)
  • CARL  stands for Coating Applications Research Laboratory
  • CARL  stands for Chemical Amplification of Resist Lines
  • CARL  stands for Construction Automation & Robotics Laboratory (North Carolina State University)
  • CARL  stands for Compressor Aero Research Laboratory
  • CARL  stands for Comparative Animal Research Laboratory (Oak Ridge, TN)
  • CARL  stands for Citizen Action Request Line
  • CARL  stands for Conditional Average Run Length
  • CARL  stands for Colorado Association of Research Libraries, Inc.
  • CARL  stands for Calibration Requirements List

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