1. DA  stands for Deviantart (online artist’s community)
  2. DA  stands for Denmark
  3. DA  stands for Double Action
  4. DA  stands for Dark Angel (TV show; band)
  5. DA  stands for Date (assembly language ASM51 assembler control)
  6. DA  stands for Data Analysis
  7. DA  stands for District Attorney
  8. D/A  stands for D/A Digital-to-Analog
  9. DA  stands for Dragon Age (game)
  10. DA  stands for Department of the Army
  11. DA  stands for Development Application (Australia)
  12. DA  stands for Deadly Alliance (gaming clan)
  13. DA  stands for Dark Age
  14. DA  stands for Democratic Alliance (South African political party)
  15. DA  stands for Drug Abuse
  16. D/A  stands for District Attorney
  17. DA  stands for Database Administration
  18. DA  stands for Direct Access
  19. DA  stands for Deka (metric prefix, 10)
  20. DA  stands for Development Assistance
  21. DA  stands for Douglas Adams (author)
  22. DA  stands for Directory Assistance
  23. DA  stands for Distribution Amplifier (audio/video production)
  24. DA  stands for Dental Assistant
  25. DA  stands for Directory Access
  26. DA  stands for Dark Arts (Harry Potter)
  27. DA  stands for Data Acquisition
  28. DA  stands for Dalton (mass spectrometry)
  29. DA  stands for Design Automation
  30. DA  stands for Dumb Ass
  31. DA  stands for Decision Analysis
  32. DA  stands for Direct Action
  33. DA  stands for Death Angel (band)
  34. DA  stands for Domestic Abuse
  35. DA  stands for Developmental Authority
  36. DA  stands for deviantART, Inc.
  37. DA  stands for Damage Assessment
  38. DA  stands for Delta Airlines
  39. DA  stands for Double Agent (US DoD)
  40. DA  stands for Dual Action (sander)
  41. DA  stands for Disadvantage (debate)
  42. DA  stands for Delegated Authority
  43. DA  stands for Dopamine
  44. DA  stands for Devil’s Advocate
  45. DA  stands for Department of Agriculture (Phillipines)
  46. DA  stands for Double Acting (pneumatic actuators)
  47. DA  stands for Design Area
  48. DA  stands for Don’t Answer
  49. DA  stands for Dan Aykroyd (actor)
  50. DA  stands for Diagnóstico Ambiental (Guatemala)
  51. DA  stands for Department of Audit
  52. DA  stands for Destination Address
  53. DA  stands for Direction Assistée (French: Power Steering)
  54. DA  stands for Dick Around
  55. DA  stands for Dario Argento (film director)
  56. DA  stands for Distribution Automation
  57. DA  stands for Design Agency (DOE)
  58. DA  stands for Dartford (postcode, United Kingdom)
  59. DA  stands for Designated Agent
  60. DA  stands for Daniel Amos (band)
  61. DA  stands for Design Activity
  62. DA  stands for Dark Angels (Space Marine Chapter, gaming)
  63. DA  stands for Data Adapter
  64. DA  stands for Directional Antenna
  65. DA  stands for Demographic Analysis (statistics; US Census Bureau)
  66. DA  stands for Degree of Acetylation
  67. DA  stands for Digital Alliance
  68. DA  stands for Digital Anvil (software developer)
  69. DA  stands for Deputy Administrator
  70. DA  stands for Diesel Air
  71. DA  stands for Diplomatic Academy (various locations)
  72. DA  stands for Data Administration
  73. DA  stands for Diretorio Academico
  74. DA  stands for Dimensional Analysis (logical method of dosage calculation used in medicine)
  75. DA  stands for Dead Animal
  76. DA  stands for Digital Analysis
  77. DA  stands for Domain Administrator
  78. DA  stands for Dauerauftrag (German periodical payment order)
  79. DA  stands for Algerian Dinar
  80. DA  stands for Domestic Affairs (UK ministerial committee)
  81. DA  stands for Demand Assignment
  82. DA  stands for Differentiated Accountability (US Department of Education)
  83. DA  stands for Darwin Award
  84. DA  stands for Daisuke Asakura (musician)
  85. DA  stands for Daily Allowance
  86. DA  stands for Diabetes Australia
  87. DA  stands for Divisional Accountant (India)
  88. DA  stands for Desktop Administration
  89. DA  stands for destructive analysis
  90. DA  stands for Dielectric Absorption
  91. DA  stands for Defense Acquisition
  92. DA  stands for Desk Accessory
  93. DA  stands for Deposit Account
  94. DA  stands for Democrats Abroad
  95. DA  stands for Design Authority
  96. DA  stands for Democratic Alternative (Former Yugolsav Republic of Macedonia)
  97. DA  stands for Groupe Danone (stock symbol)
  98. DA  stands for Delicious Agony (online radio station)
  99. DA  stands for Dad’s Army (UK TV show)
  100. DA  stands for Desk Attendant
  101. DA  stands for Dilution Air
  102. DA  stands for Developing Activity
  103. DA  stands for Deployment Assembly (NASA)
  104. DA  stands for Devolved Administration (UK)
  105. DA  stands for Disproportionate Asset (taxes; India)
  106. DA  stands for Denver Academy
  107. DA  stands for Doppelader (German: Pair)
  108. DA  stands for Dictionary of Americanisms
  109. DA  stands for Deutsche Allgemeine (German insurance)
  110. DA  stands for Dumbledore’s Army (Harry Potter)
  111. DA  stands for Delayed Action
  112. DA  stands for Dark Archon (Starcraft: Brood Wars game)
  113. DA  stands for Design Agent
  114. DA  stands for Developing Agency
  115. DA  stands for Dearness Allowance (India)
  116. DA  stands for Dark Adaptation
  117. DA  stands for Detroit Arsenal (Center Line, MI)
  118. DA  stands for Defence Association (Harry Potter)
  119. DA  stands for Disney Adventures (magazine)
  120. DA  stands for Data Administrator
  121. DA  stands for Dermatitis Atopica (Spanish: Atópic Dermatitis)
  122. DA  stands for Dose Assessment
  123. DA  stands for Durham Academy (North Carolina)
  124. DA  stands for Desperation Attack (gaming, Final Fantasy III)
  125. DA  stands for Doctor of Arts
  126. DA  stands for Directed Action
  127. D/A  stands for D/A Documents Against Acceptance
  128. DA  stands for Dairy Australia (Southbank Victoria, Australia)
  129. DA  stands for Development Agent
  130. D/A  stands for D/A Desk Accessory
  131. DA  stands for Distributed Arithmetic
  132. DA  stands for Decision Altitude
  133. DA  stands for Disc Area (ophthalmology)
  134. DA  stands for Data Automation
  135. DA  stands for Disney Afternoon
  136. DA  stands for Disaster Action (UK)
  137. DA  stands for Dyslexia Action (UK)
  138. DA  stands for Dragon Amulet (Dragon Fable; online game)
  139. DA  stands for Deflection Amplifier
  140. DA  stands for Decimal Adjust (assembly language directive)
  141. DA  stands for Discriminate Analysis
  142. DA  stands for Displaced Abomasum (intestinal disease of post-partum cattle)
  143. DA  stands for Data Aided
  144. DA  stands for Drift Angle
  145. DA  stands for Disclosure Authorization
  146. DA  stands for Distal Arthrogryposis
  147. DA  stands for Direct Appointment (source of commission for military officers)
  148. DA  stands for Double Amplitude
  149. DA  stands for Divisional Artillery
  150. D/A  stands for D/A Division Artillery
  151. DA  stands for Défibrillateur Automatique (French: Automatic Defibrillator)
  152. DA  stands for Docking Adapter
  153. DA  stands for Duck’s Ass (haircut)
  154. DA  stands for Diphenylchloroarsine (organoarsenic compound)
  155. DA  stands for Days After Acceptance
  156. DA  stands for Aerospace Drift (US DoD)
  157. DA  stands for Distribution Assembly (NASA)
  158. DA  stands for Duck’s Ass (drink)
  159. DA  stands for Designated Acquisition Program
  160. DA  stands for Divine Aura
  161. DA  stands for Dark Anima (gaming, Final Fantasy X)
  162. DA  stands for Directorate of Administration
  163. DA  stands for Deutsches Arzneibuch
  164. DA  stands for Dissolved Acetylene
  165. DA  stands for Devotion Aura (gaming, World of Warcraft)
  166. DA  stands for Depot Availability
  167. DA  stands for Disk Adaptor
  168. DA  stands for Dakar Academy (Senegal)
  169. DA  stands for Decision Agent (DMS component)
  170. DA  stands for Dynamic Atlas
  171. DA  stands for Descent Advisor
  172. DA  stands for Destructive Assay
  173. DA  stands for Discrete Address
  174. DA  stands for Damaged Article
  175. DA  stands for Dalmatinska Akcija (Croatian: Dalmatian Action political party)
  176. DA  stands for Defensive Average (baseball statistic for hit balls)
  177. DA  stands for Discontinued Availability
  178. DA  stands for Droidarena (online game)
  179. DA  stands for Diploma in Anaesthesiology
  180. DA  stands for Decessit Anno (Latin: Died in Year, epigraphy)
  181. DA  stands for Damage Adjustment (Inventory Control)
  182. DA  stands for Deairator
  183. DA  stands for Directorate for Administration (DIA)
  184. DA  stands for Disbursements Account (shipping)
  185. DA  stands for Defective Article
  186. DA  stands for Dentalman Apprentice (Naval rating)
  187. DA  stands for Departure Approved
  188. DA  stands for Donuts Anonymous (FFFBI)
  189. DA  stands for Domination Area
  190. DA  stands for Differencing Assembly
  191. DA  stands for Donor Alliance, Inc.
  192. DA  stands for Distributor/Arbiter
  193. DA  stands for Dominion Atlantic Railway Company
  194. DA  stands for Directive Authorization
  195. DA  stands for Discretionary Absence
  196. DA  stands for Dawson & Associates, LLC
  197. DA  stands for Detonation-Control Algorithm
  198. DA  stands for Degenerate Acronym (i.e., one with two letters or less)
  199. DA  stands for Aerospace trajectory drift
  200. DA  stands for Documents For/Against Acceptance

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