1. DAS stands for Drug and Alcohol Services (various locations)
  2. DAS stands for Drug and Alcohol Screening (various organizations)
  3. DAS stands for Department of Administrative Services
  4. DAS stands for Direct Attached Storage
  5. DAS stands for Distributed Antenna System
  6. DAS stands for Debit d’Absorption Spécifique (French: Specific Absorption Rate)
  7. DAS stands for Department of Arts and Sciences (various schools)
  8. DAS stands for Distributed Annotation System
  9. DAS stands for Dow AgroSciences (Dow Chemical Company)
  10. DAS stands for Data Acquisition System
  11. DAS stands for Direction des Affaires Sociales (French: Directorate of Social Affairs; various locations)
  12. DAS stands for Dante Alighieri Society (literary society; various locations)
  13. DAS stands for Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (Colombian police branch)
  14. DAS stands for Disease Activity Score (rheumatoid arthritis)
  15. DAS stands for Decision Analysis and Support
  16. DAS stands for Diploma of Advanced Studies (various locations)
  17. DAS stands for Digital Archives Specialist (certification)
  18. DAS stands for Developmental Apraxia of Speech (neurology)
  19. DAS stands for Distribution Automation System
  20. DAS stands for Department of Animal Services (various locations)
  21. DAS stands for Deputy Assistant Secretary
  22. DAS stands for Data and Applications Security
  23. DAS stands for Dispositif Actionné de Sécurité (French security device)
  24. DAS stands for Domaines d’Activité Stratégique (French: Strategic Business Area)
  25. DAS stands for Driving after Suspension (law)
  26. DAS stands for Decorative Arts Society (UK)
  27. DAS stands for Data and Analytic Solutions, Inc. (Virginia and Maryland)
  28. DAS stands for Data Analysis System
  29. DAS stands for Délégation aux Affaires Stratégiques (French: Strategic Affairs Delegation)
  30. DAS stands for Digital Arts and Sciences (various schools)
  31. DAS stands for Dependable Auto Shippers (Mesquite, TX)
  32. DAS stands for Decision Analysis Society
  33. DAS stands for Days At Sea (fishing)
  34. DAS stands for Digital Acquisition System
  35. DAS stands for Data Analysis Software
  36. DAS stands for Division of Apprenticeship Standards (California)
  37. DAS stands for Disability Advisory Service (various organizations)
  38. DAS stands for Delphi Automotive Systems
  39. DAS stands for Domain Administration Server (computing)
  40. DAS stands for Daerah Aliran Sungai (river basin)
  41. DAS stands for Differential Ability Scales
  42. DAS stands for Dyadic Adjustment Scale
  43. DAS stands for Dissipation Array System (lightning prevention)
  44. DAS stands for Device Access Software
  45. DAS stands for Development Assistance Strategy (Malawi)
  46. DAS stands for Dave’s Appalachian Swirls (marbles)
  47. DAS stands for Deep Air Support (US Marine Corps; US DoD)
  48. DAS stands for Diversified Agency Services
  49. DAS stands for Delegated Administration Service (Oracle)
  50. DAS stands for Diskrete Algebraische Strukturen (German: Discrete Algebraic Structures)
  51. DAS stands for Digital Audio System
  52. DAS stands for Defense and Space
  53. DAS stands for Diallyl Sulfide
  54. DAS stands for Disability Assessment Schedule (World Health Organization)
  55. DAS stands for Distributed Aperture System
  56. DAS stands for Dorsal Acoustic Stria
  57. DAS stands for Department of Applied Science
  58. DAS stands for Data Access Server
  59. DAS stands for Double After Split (blackjack)
  60. DAS stands for Designated Alteration Station
  61. DAS stands for Data Assimilation System
  62. DAS stands for Defense Acquisition System
  63. DAS stands for Driver Assistance System
  64. DAS stands for Distributed Authentication Service
  65. DAS stands for Doctor-Assisted Suicide
  66. DAS stands for Design and Access Statement (architectural planning; UK)
  67. DAS stands for Dual Attached Station (FDDI)
  68. DAS stands for Dial-A-Song (They Might Be Giants phone service)
  69. DAS stands for Direct Air Support
  70. DAS stands for Decimal Adjust for Subtraction
  71. DAS stands for Disk Array Subsystem
  72. DAS stands for Dibbs Abbott Stillman (law firm; Australia)
  73. DAS stands for Defensive Aids System (military aviation)
  74. DAS stands for Digital Asset Server (Microsoft)
  75. DAS stands for Dimer-Adatom-Stacking-Fault (semiconductor; surface science)
  76. DAS stands for Defense Automated System (US DoD supply/logistics source)
  77. DAS stands for Data Acquisition Subsystem
  78. DAS stands for Data Automation System
  79. DAS stands for Directory Assistance System
  80. DAS stands for Damage Assessment Strike
  81. DAS stands for Digital Analysis System
  82. DAS stands for Defense Attaché System
  83. DAS stands for Delayed Anovulatory Syndrome (menstrual disorder)
  84. DAS stands for Director of the Army Staff
  85. DAS stands for Dynamic Angle Spinning
  86. DAS stands for Division for Aging Services
  87. DAS stands for Domino Application Server
  88. DAS stands for Direct Access Service
  89. DAS stands for Data Acquisition and Signal Conditioning
  90. DAS stands for Defensive Aids Suites
  91. DAS stands for Direct Access System
  92. DAS stands for Défense Automobile et Sportive (French: UK insurance company)
  93. DAS stands for Direction Agrément et Spécifications (French: Licensing and Specifications Directorate; Belgium)
  94. DAS stands for Delivery Area Surcharge
  95. DAS stands for Demand Access System
  96. DAS stands for Data Archive System
  97. DAS stands for Dynamically Assigned Socket (Cisco)
  98. DAS stands for Double-Acting Ship
  99. DAS stands for Document Accessibility Services (Crawford Technologies)
  100. DAS stands for Deformed Anchor Stud
  101. DAS stands for Distributed Asynchronous Scheduler
  102. DAS stands for Date Arrived Station
  103. DAS stands for Demand Access Service
  104. DAS stands for Development Application Support
  105. DAS stands for Device Access Server (hardware interface)
  106. DAS
    stands for Direct Access Server
  107. DAS stands for Digital Avionics System
  108. DAS stands for Dynamic and Sound (Valencia, Spain)
  109. DAS stands for Directory Assistance Service (protocol) (RFC 1202)
  110. DAS stands for Defensive Avionics System
  111. DAS stands for Door Answering System
  112. DAS stands for Direct Access Subscriber
  113. DAS stands for Defense Audit Service
  114. DAS stands for Digital Address System
  115. DAS stands for Damage Avoidance System (science fiction)
  116. DAS stands for Direct Archive System
  117. DAS stands for Documentation Accountability Sheet
  118. DAS stands for Data Administration Program
  119. DAS stands for Dial-A-Sensor (ITT)
  120. DAS stands for Density Analysis System
  121. DAS stands for Development Acceleration System (Adax)
  122. DAS stands for Defensive Aid Subsystem
  123. DAS stands for Deep Air Strike
  124. DAS stands for Data Auxiliary Set
  125. DAS stands for Demand Assignment Signaling
  126. DAS stands for Depression and Anxiety Syndromes
  127. DAS stands for Dark Alliance Studios
  128. DAS stands for Distributed Administrative Support
  129. DAS stands for DISN ATM Service
  130. DAS stands for Drive Around Shopping (VIMO)
  131. DAS stands for Directory Analysis Specialist
  132. DAS stands for Days After Seeding/Sowing
  133. DAS stands for Deflection Amplifier Subsystem
  134. DAS stands for Delay-And-Sum Algorithm
  135. DAS stands for Deutscher Automobile Schutz (German: UK insurance company)
  136. DAS stands for Defense Accounting System
  137. DAS stands for Drunken Anarchists Society
  138. DAS stands for Dialed Access Service
  139. DAS stands for Democratic Alliance of Socialists (Canada; founded in 1989)
  140. DAS stands for Deflection Amplifier Subassembly
  141. DAS stands for Département d’Analyse de Sûreté (French: Department of Safety Analysis; nuclear energy industry)
  142. DAS stands for Digital Assignment System (Bellcore)
  143. DAS stands for Disk-Assisted Search
  144. DAS stands for Detector Array Subassembly

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