1. DBI stands for DeAngelo Brothers, Inc. (Hazelton, PA)
  2. DBI stands for Database Interface
  3. DBI stands for Department of Business and Innovation (Victoria, Australia)
  4. DBI stands for Database Integration
  5. DBI stands for Data Bus Inversion
  6. DBI stands for Division of Biological Infrastructure (US NSF)
  7. DBI stands for Department of Building Inspection
  8. DBI stands for Diffuse Brain Injury (classification)
  9. DBI stands for Doing Business In
  10. DBI stands for Daily Business Intelligence
  11. DBI stands for Database Instance (SAP)
  12. DBI stands for Davie Brown Index (personality marketing)
  13. DBI stands for Deutsche Bahn International (German train operator)
  14. DBI stands for Deafblind International
  15. DBI stands for Desbois Botalam Industrie (French: Desbois Botalam Industry)
  16. DBI
    stands for Department of Biomedical Informatics (various schools)
  17. DBI stands for Direct Bilirubin
  18. DBI stands for Direct Business International (various locations)
  19. DBI stands for Don’t Blow It
  20. DBI stands for Dowel Bar Inserter (construction)
  21. DBI stands for Daniel Beaujon Ingénierie (French: Daniel Beaujon Engineering)
  22. DBI stands for Defense Budget Issue (US DoD)
  23. DBI stands for Decibel Isotropic
  24. DBI stands for Deutschen Bibliotheksinstitutes (German)
  25. DBI stands for Dirt Bag Index
  26. DBI stands for Display Bus Interface
  27. DBI stands for Dull But Important
  28. DBI stands for Donbar Industries, Inc. (Long Valley, NJ)
  29. DBI stands for Ditch Bottom Inlet (engineering)
  30. DBI stands for Display & Banner, Inc.
  31. DBI stands for Design Basis Incident
  32. DBI stands for Days Before Inoculation
  33. DBI stands for Demon Beast Invasion (anime)
  34. DBI stands for Documented by Initials (medical records)
  35. DBI stands for Dupont Bailey Initiative

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