1. DBT stands for Dialectical Behavior Therapy
  2. DBT stands for Department of Biotechnology (India)
  3. DBT stands for Drive-By Truckers (band)
  4. DBT stands for Dibenzothiophene
  5. DBT stands for Duxbury Braille Translator (Duxbury Systems, Inc.)
  6. DBT stands for Days Beyond Terms
  7. DBT stands for Deutscher Bundestag (German Parliament)
  8. DBT stands for Design Basis Threat
  9. DBT stands for Directive Basse Tension (French: Low Voltage Directive)
  10. DBT stands for Double-Blind Test (method)
  11. DBT stands for Deep Body Temperature (physiological state)
  12. DBT stands for Dry Bulb Temperature
  13. DBT stands for Delayed Brain Tumor
  14. DBT stands for Digital Business Technology (Australia)
  15. DBT stands for Dialektisk Beteendeterapi (Sweden)
  16. DBT stands for Defect-Based Testing
  17. DBT stands for Deep Breathing Test
  18. DBT stands for Duisburg Bulk Terminal (Duisburg, Germany)
  19. DBT stands for Data Base Testuale (Italian: Textual Database)
  20. DBT stands for Design Build Team
  21. DBT stands for Design Build Test (engineering)
  22. DBT stands for Database Transaction
  23. DBT stands for Design Basis Tornado
  24. DBT stands for Death By Tweakage
  25. DBT stands for Days Before Transplanting
  26. DBT stands for double bottom tank (ships)
  27. DBT stands for Deutsche Bundespost Telekom (Germany)
  28. DBT stands for Delaware Business Trust
  29. DBT stands for Down by Trade
  30. DBT stands for Database Transfer
  31. DBT stands for Design Build Turnkey (construction)
  32. DBT stands for Diaphragmatic Breathing Technique
  33. DBT stands for Dibutylphtalaat (propellant)
  34. DBT stands for Dual Brain Therapy (neurofeedback)

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