- DIG stands for Digital
- DIG stands for Digest
- DIG stands for Discussion Group(s)
- DIG stands for Digoxigenin (DNA marker)
- DIG stands for Deputy Inspector General
- DIG stands for Decentralized Information Group (various organizations)
- DIG stands for Direct Injection Gasoline (vehicles)
- DIG stands for Dunedin Income Growth (UK)
- DIG stands for Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale (Italian: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management)
- DIG stands for Domain Information Groper
- DIG stands for Digital Imaging Group
- DIG stands for Derivatives Implementation Group (FASB)
- DIG stands for Déclaré d’intérêt Général (French: Declaration of General Interest)
- DIG stands for Domain Internet Groper
- DIG stands for Development Incentive Grant (various locations)
- DIG stands for Diffuse Ionised Gas
- DIG stands for Disney’s Internet Guide
- DIG stands for Drop in Game (informal ice hockey)
- DIG stands for Digital Information Group
- DIG stands for Discussion in Groups
- DIG stands for Doorman is God (gaming clan)
- DIG stands for Development Insight Group
- DIG stands for Delta Informal Gardeners (California)
- DIG stands for Digiorgio Corporation (NYSE Symbol)
- DIG stands for Distributed Information Gathering
- DIG stands for Digital Image Generator
- DIG stands for Developers Interface Guide
- DIG stands for Dead in Ground
- DIG stands for DOE Interaction Group
- DIG stands for Data Item Group (US DoD)
- DIG stands for Departement Informatique de Gestion
- DIG stands for Department Inspection Group
- DIG stands for Detergent-Insoluble Glycolipid-Enriched Domain (cell & molecular biology)
- DIG stands for Detonator Inspection Gauge
- DIG stands for Dismissed as Improperly Granted (legal)
- DIG stands for Direct Inertial Guidance
- DIG stands for Disaster Information Gateway