1. DOC  stands for Department Of Commerce
  2. DOC  stands for Microsoft Word File (file extension)
  3. DOC  stands for Duty of Care
  4. DOC  stands for Date of Contact
  5. DOC  stands for Drug of Choice
  6. DOC  stands for Director of Communications
  7. DOC  stands for Department of Corrections
  8. DOC  stands for Department of Communities (Australia)
  9. DOC  stands for Department of Conservation (New Zealand)
  10. DOC  stands for Department of Communications (Canada)
  11. DOC  stands for Declaration of Conduct (various nations)
  12. DOC  stands for Degree of Cooperation
  13. DOC  stands for Derby Owners Club (video game)
  14. DOC  stands for Dean of the College (various schools)
  15. DOC  stands for Documentation of Compliance
  16. DOC  stands for Department of Organic Chemistry (various locations)
  17. DOC  stands for Depth of Coverage
  18. DOC  stands for Division of Organic Chemistry (American Chemical Society)
  19. DOC  stands for Diesel Oxidation Catalyst
  20. DOC  stands for Declaration of Commitment (UN)
  21. DOC  stands for Disturbo Ossessivo Compulsivo (Italian: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
  22. DOC  stands for Daughters of Charity
  23. DOC  stands for Division of Community Corrections (various locations)
  24. DOC  stands for Deck of Cards
  25. DOC  stands for Department of Cybernetics
  26. DOC  stands for Document/Documentation
  27. DOC  stands for Document/Documentation (file name extension)
  28. DOC  stands for Depth of Cut (machine tooling)
  29. DOC  stands for Desmo Owners Club (bikes)
  30. DOC  stands for Defamation of Character
  31. DOC  stands for Director of Operational Capability (UK)
  32. DOC  stands for Dominion of Canada
  33. DOC  stands for Diabetes Online Community (est. 2005)
  34. DOC  stands for Digital Output Channel
  35. DOC  stands for Data Operations Center
  36. DOC  stands for Daughters of the Confederacy
  37. DOC  stands for Deoxycorticosterone
  38. DOC  stands for Digital Opportunity Center (various locations)
  39. DOC  stands for Directorate Of Contracting
  40. DOC  stands for Dartmouth Outing Club
  41. DOC  stands for Doctors Opposing Circumcision
  42. DOC  stands for Dimensions of Culture
  43. DOC  stands for Designed Operational Capability (US DoD)
  44. DOC  stands for Doctors on Call (Caribbean surgical outreach organization)
  45. DOC  stands for Department Operations Center
  46. DOC  stands for Doctors Ought to Care
  47. DOC  stands for Debugging Optimized Code
  48. DOC  stands for Director of Catering
  49. DOC  stands for Day of Contempt (band)
  50. DOC  stands for Distribution Operation Center
  51. DOC  stands for Director On Call
  52. DOC  stands for Défibrillateur Opérationnel Connecté (French: Connected Operational Defibrillator)
  53. DOC  stands for Dynamic Overload Control
  54. DOC  stands for Defend Oahu Coalition
  55. DOC  stands for Digital Oscillator Chip (Ensoniq 5503 DOC)
  56. DOC  stands for Designated Operational Coverage (navigation aids)
  57. DOC  stands for 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-Chloroamphetamine
  58. DOC  stands for DAF (Van Doorne’s Automobiel Fabriek) Owners Club (UK)
  59. DOC  stands for Daily on Call
  60. DOC  stands for Decommissioning Operations Contractor
  61. DOC  stands for Desired Operational Capability
  62. DOC  stands for Doctor
  63. DOC  stands for Dead on Contact
  64. DOC  stands for Data Operations Control
  65. DOC  stands for Development Operations Corporation (Fort Meyers, FL)
  66. DOC  stands for Disciples of Christ
  67. DOC  stands for Denominazione di Origine Controllata (Italian: Checked Origin Name)
  68. DOC  stands for Declaration of Conformity
  69. DOC  stands for Discipline Operations Center
  70. DOC  stands for Data Optimizing Computer
  71. DOC  stands for Design and Order Confirmation
  72. DOC  stands for Distributed Operational Control
  73. DOC  stands for Dissolved Organic Carbon
  74. DOC  stands for Descend on Course
  75. DOC  stands for Digital Office Committee
  76. DOC  stands for Ding’Opel Club (French car club)
  77. DOC  stands for Data Operations Controller
  78. DOC  stands for Daily Operations Coordinator
  79. DOC  stands for Defenders of Camelot (gaming guild)
  80. DOC  stands for Department of Corporation (California)
  81. DOC  stands for Date of Conception
  82. DOC  stands for Designed Operational Code
  83. DOC  stands for Dominação de Origem Controlada (Portugal)
  84. DOC  stands for Due Out Cancellation
  85. DOC  stands for Double-O Club (James Bond fan club; Denmark)
  86. DOC  stands for Daughters of Compliance
  87. DOC  stands for Data-Over-Cable Date Of Change
  88. DOC  stands for Disk on Chip
  89. DOC  stands for Disaster Operations Center (American Red Cross)
  90. DOC  stands for Direct Operating Cost
  91. DOC  stands for Digital Optics Corporation
  92. DOC  stands for Day Old Chick
  93. DOC  stands for Deoxycholate
  94. DOC  stands for Distributed Object Computing

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