1. DOF  stands for Dean of the Faculty (various universities)
  2. DOF  stands for Depth of Field (photography)
  3. DOF  stands for Directorate of Food (various nations)
  4. DOF  stands for Diario Oficial de la Federacion (Mexico)
  5. DOF  stands for Diocese of Florida
  6. DOF  stands for Direction of Flight
  7. DOF  stands for Direction of Fire
  8. DOF  stands for Dansk Ornitologisk Forening
  9. DOF  stands for Date of Filing (various locations)
  10. DOF  stands for Depth Of Focus
  11. DOF  stands for Dansk Orienterings-Forbund
  12. DOF  stands for Director of Finance
  13. DOF  stands for Double Old-Fashioned (glassware)
  14. DOF  stands for Dansk Oplysnings Forbund (Danish: Danish Federal Information)
  15. DOF  stands for Drill-on-the-Fly (laser drilling)
  16. DOF  stands for Déclaration d’Origine sur Facture (French: Declaration of Origin on Invoice)
  17. DOF  stands for District Oise de Football (French football club)
  18. DOF  stands for Date of Flight
  19. DOF  stands for Deeds of Flesh (band)
  20. DOF  stands for Department of Finance
  21. DOF  stands for Department of the Future (Telia; Sweden)
  22. DOF  stands for Direct Order Fulfillment
  23. DOF  stands for Depot Overhaul Factor
  24. DOF  stands for Dictators of Fate (gaming group)
  25. DOF  stands for Drugs of Faith (band)
  26. DOF  stands for Degree Of Freedom
  27. DOF  stands for Department of Fisheries

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