1. DORC stands for Depreciated Optimised Replacement Cost (asset valuation)
  2. DORC stands for Deep Ocean Refractory Carbon
  3. DORC stands for Dutch Ophthalmic Research Center (Zuidland, The Netherlands)
  4. DORC stands for Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections (California)
  5. DorC stands for Debit Or Credit
  6. DORC stands for Disgruntled Off-Road Cyclists (Pittsburgh, PA mountain bikers)
  7. DORC stands for Disembodied Omnipotent Ruler of Cats (spacecats TV series)
  8. DORC stands for Dorchester Online Radio Company (podcasts)
  9. DORC stands for Dortmund Recorder Consort (Dortmund, Germany)

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