1. DRT  stands for Drug Replacement Therapy
  2. DRT  stands for Debt Recovery Tribunal (India)
  3. DRT  stands for Del Rio, Texas (border patrol sector)
  4. DRT  stands for Del Rio (Amtrak station code; Del Rio, TX)
  5. DRT  stands for Dining Room Table
  6. DRT  stands for Daughters of the Republic of Texas
  7. DRT  stands for Department of Revenue and Taxation (various locations)
  8. DRT  stands for Disaster Response Team
  9. DRT  stands for Demand Responsive Transport (public transportation)
  10. DRT  stands for Dead Right There
  11. DRT  stands for Direction de la Recherche Technologique (French)
  12. DRT  stands for Document Related Technologies
  13. DRT  stands for Development Research and Training (various locations)
  14. DRT  stands for Diplôme de Recherche Technologique (French)
  15. DRT  stands for Distributed Ray Tracing (computer graphics)
  16. DRT  stands for Detection-Response Task
  17. DRT  stands for Durham Region Transit (Canada)
  18. DRT  stands for Direction des Relations du Travail (French: Labor Relations Division)
  19. DRT  stands for Dead Reckoning Tracer
  20. DRT  stands for Do the Right Thing
  21. DRT  stands for Design Review Team
  22. DRT  stands for Discourse Representation Theory (linguistics)
  23. DRT  stands for Domain Research Tool (software)
  24. DRT  stands for Decision Response Time
  25. DRT  stands for Diagnostic Rhyme Test
  26. DRT  stands for Département Ressources et Technologies (French: Resources and Technologies Department)
  27. DRT  stands for Defect Review Tool
  28. DRT  stands for Del Rio, TX, USA (Airport Code)
  29. DRT  stands for Disruptive Retail Thinking (marketing; Chicago, IL)
  30. DRT  stands for Drift Race Team
  31. DRT  stands for Dynamic Racing Team (France)
  32. DRT  stands for Deep Reconnaissance Team
  33. DRT  stands for Debt Resolution Team (UK)
  34. DRT  stands for Dépannages Réparation Transport (French transportation repair company)
  35. DRT  stands for Disregard Tape (order instruction that can be given to a broker)
  36. DRT  stands for Dérivés Résiniques & Terpéniques (French: Terpene & Resinic Derivatives)
  37. DRT  stands for Dwarven Ringmail Tunic (Everquest reference)
  38. DRT  stands for Diversion Recovery Tool (FAA)
  39. DRT  stands for Developer Regression Test
  40. DRT  stands for Disaster Recovery Terminal
  41. DRT  stands for Dutchess Rail Trail (New York)
  42. DRT  stands for Dilation Reflection Translation (mathmatics)
  43. DRT  stands for Derosa Research and Trading, Inc.
  44. DRT  stands for Data Relay Terminal
  45. DRT  stands for Domestic Return Time (curfew)
  46. DRT  stands for Dose, Rate, Length Time of Exposure (radiation)
  47. DRT  stands for Diode Recovery Tester
  48. DRT  stands for Detected Replies Table
  49. DRT  stands for Dive Rescue Team
  50. DRT  stands for Division Reconnaissance Team
  51. DRT  stands for Distortion-Rate Tradeoff
  52. DRT  stands for Discharge Retention Tank
  53. DRT  stands for Disposition, Reflection, Triad (band Tool’s songs)
  54. DRT  stands for Distance equals Rate multiplied by Time
  55. DRT  stands for Dome Roof Tank (oil storage)

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