- DSEA stands for Davis Submerged Escape Apparatus (oxygen rebreather)
- DSEA stands for Direction des Services de l’Environnement et de l’Assainissement (French: Environment and Sanitation Services Department)
- DSEA stands for Dietary Supplement Education Alliance (Sarasota, FL)
- DSEA stands for Dipartimento di Sistemi Elettrici e Automazione (Italian: Department of Electrical Systems and Automation; University of Pisa; Pisa, Italy)
- DSEA stands for Defense Security Enterprise Architecture (US DoD)
- DSEA stands for Delaware State Education Association
- DSEA stands for Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 (proposed US legislation)
- DSEA stands for Durham Strategic Energy Alliance (Canada)
- DSEA stands for Defence Safety and Environment Authority (UK)
- DSEA stands for Display Station Emulation Adapter
- DSEA stands for Domino Signal Encryption Algorithm
- DSEA stands for Disciplinary Society and Education Association (Project Kaleidoscope)